Category: REVIEWS

CD and DVD reviews

Theory of Tides, Preview for Swept Away

Mirana & Rick Comstock are known as Theory of Tides and they are offering listeners a special 3-song teaser.   These three tracks are designed to get you ready for the EP release of ‘Swept Away’.   Now we shall see if the Tides come crashing in and sweep you away; all in Theory of…


The Kansas singer/songwriter guitarist has come out with a 13-track release of originals, accompanied by his touring trio partners, Aaron Underwood on bass, and Rodney Baker on drums.   Added keyboards feature Rick Steff, and Beau Jarvis.   On this release, you can definitely feel his influences like Clapton, SRV, BB, The Allman Bros, etc.…


Best known for his efforts in the blues/swing band the Squirrel Nut Zippers and working with Buddy Guy, Jimbo has taken his roots on the road with a new band, The Tri-State Coalition, while composing a discs worth of tunes.   Jimbo’s take on the blues is hard to describe.   The late legendary producer…

Mark Lenover, Dead The Beast, Dead The Poison

Mark Lenover is the sole performer responsible for ‘Dead The Beast, Dead The Poison’ as he also composed & recorded the new album.   Lenover obviously knows what he wants and how he wants it done so how will this record play out?   Answer: The 11-track recording comes across as one very complex piece…

Richard Anthony, Connected

High school physics teacher by day and musician by night, Richard Anthony invites us all to get ‘Connected’ on his debut album.   Accepting one another and coming together as ONE are just a couple of the many heartfelt themes displayed on this record.   Richard will open your eyes, mind and heart to a…

Revel 9, The Razorblade Diaries

Formerly known as Gee Davey, Revel 9 is locked, loaded and ready to give you ‘The Razorblade Diaries’.   This is the band’s debut EP under the name Revel 9 and they are excited to get these songs out to the masses.   The group hails from Long Island, NY and is made up of:…

Ben Kopec, Epic Orchestral & Cinematic Rock for Film Trailers

Ben Kopec is a solo artist, an American, and the six selections on this instrumental EP log in at just under 13 minutes. Though the information is not listed on the EP, it is safe to assume that this is Ben’s debut release. Kopec can be contacted on the net at, at From…

L’illon, Warrior Angel Instrumental Special Release

The “Lucid Pop” queen is back with a very Special Release of ‘Warrior Angel Instrumental’.   I had the pleasure of reviewing L’illon’s debut album ‘Warrior Angel’ back in December of ’09 for Skope ( ).   I was hooked then and I am hooked now even more so after hearing this new record.  …


Mississippi Mile is John’s third solo album, and a follow up to his 2008 release, 1,000 Miles Of Life CD (which I really liked).   It’s always a concern for members of a successful act to change material on a solo effort, but John has the chops the drive, and the backing musicians to make…


Miracle Parade, Hark and Other Lost Transmissions (Little Record Company) It could be said that this surf-Americana-rock solo project from Everyday Visuals frontman Christopher Pappas mimics the effect of putting CDs from Bright Eyes, Glasvegas and Snow Patrol in the stereo and hitting Randomize.   Owing to the predominance of it, I get the feeling…

Jake Allen, Etherica

When quality & precision clash head on you get ‘Etherica’.   Jake Allen is his name and making dark times sound so wonderful is his game.   The idea behind the new record was originally supposed to be based on dreams but instead Jake is left with a harsh reality. This singer/songwriter from Michigan started…

DJ Dylan C, Glitch Hop

Dylan John Cameron aka DJ Dylan C offers up nine blazing tracks on his new EP ‘Glitch Hop’.   This guy has been involved with the DJ scene since ’98 and he was only 13 years old at the time!   That’s ALL LOVE for the turntables as DJ Dylan C is ready to put…

Face Candy, Waste Age Teen Land

Man o man, where to begin on this one!   First off I’d like to pay my respects to Michael “Eyedea” Larsen who tragically passed away in October of last year.   Eyedea was the vocalist & frontman along with being the mastermind behind the creation of the four-man group.   Face Candy is his…

Downcast Theory, Self-Titled

I was lucky enough to get a chance to review this band’s last album titled ‘Damaged Calm’ back in 2009 for Skope Entertainment Inc. ( ).   I loved what I heard then and I really love what I hear now from their self-titled release.   I am so excited for Downcast Theory and their…

Rick Shaffer, Hidden Charms

Following up his debut solo album from last year called ‘Necessary Illusion’, Rick Shaffer reveals to you ‘Hidden Charms’.   This multidimensional artist not only played the role of singer, guitarist, bassist and percussionist but also wrote and produced the entire record.   Additional members backed up Shaffer wonderfully to help ‘Hidden Charms’ become discovered…

Strong Like Woman, Fortune EP

Over the years we’ve seen rock & alternative rock slowly erode into a dumbing down process of overly commercialized, corporate puppet shows. Unfortunately this form of entertainment exists not only in music but also on TV, & Movies as well. Talking to many music fans out there, the response is overwhelming. Give me something new,…

Jane Hunt, Self-Titled

All I have to say first is WOW!!!   This Jane Hunt will invigorate your senses and will leave you with a feeling of mass content.   There is a reason why she is referred to as the self-proclaimed “Violin Venus” and that is because she makes breathtaking music with her instrument. This four-song EP…

Life After Liftoff, Memory of You

Get ready for Dayton, Ohio’s own Life After Liftoff and their quick-to-the-punch EP ‘Memory of You’.   LAL is a four-piece band made up of: founder & front-man Lee Weiss, Jason Sigritz on bass, backing vocals & keys, Ryan Chatterton on guitar, backing vocals & keys and Dan Malloy on drums & backing vocals.  …

Tony DeSimone, The Second Time Around

Tony DeSimone is a singer/songwriter & multi-instrumentalist who will impress the hell out of your ears.   The new album ‘The Second Time Around’ and Tony’s music in general is said to have songs of “hope, love and dreams”.   I would agree with that and further add that all 10 tracks on this record…

Junior Giant, True North

“Junior Giant” is a fitting moniker for Spencer Linsley, the 21 year-old front man for the Salt Lake City foursome of the same name. A professional skier since his early teens, Linsey now channels his courage in tackling some of the big mountains into the courage to tackle lead in his indie rock outfit. His…

Assaf Kehati, Flowers & other Stories

Jazz Guitarist Assaf Kehati releases his latest CD “Flowers & Other Stories” in 2011. Kehati is an accomplished player & composer from Israel who now makes his home in the Boston Area. The recordings themselves provide a very euphoric, fruitful & colorful musical   experience via a very talented quartet. I hate to pigeonhole Kehati…

The Mighty Mulligans, Music To Shank By

You’ve heard of Sugarhill Gang’s classic hit “Rappers Delight”, well get ready for a golfer’s delight anthem brought to you by The Mighty Mulligans.   ‘Music To Shank By’ is a collection of 13 lighthearted tunes that poke fun at nothing else but the game of golf.   This comedy-driven album is smart & funny…

Earth and the Next Society, Live Earth Teaser

All I have to say is OHHHH YEAHHHH!!!   I was supplied five tracks which is only about half of what you can expect to hear on their debut record ‘Live Earth’.   Let me tell you though that Earth and the Next Society still blew me away!   Their energy & force is second…

Carly Jamison, Everything Happens For A Reason

It’s a good thing that the semi-reclusive Carly Jamison took the urging of producer Tres Sasser, and brought her internet-only songs to disc form. The first thing that grabs you is the vocal delivery. Jamison’s deep, sultry vocals are the likes of Melissa Etheridge meets Patti Smith. The next thing that grabs you is the…

Bryan Gorsira, So Far

Over the years we’ve seen music slowly erode into something quite disturbing. Morph back to a happier time when you will find carefree acting as the embodiment of a carefree society. Music these day, though very technically savvy is missing something. Instead you get bands or artists that act in a very overcompensating way trying…

The Pauses, A Cautionary Tale

There’s no doubt that the three members of Orlando’s The Pauses have the ability to write some fresh-sounded and at times, perky pop songs in the vein of Rilo Kiley. Some of those tunes even appear on A Cautionary Tale. However the title of this three piece’s debut is quite deserving: the album is just…

Skittish, The Perfect Shade of Green

Over the years we’ve seen rock & alternative rock slowly erode into a dumbing down process of overly commercialized, corporate puppet shows. Unfortunately this form of entertainment exists not only in the form of music but also on TV, & Movies as well. Talking to many music fans out there, the response is overwhelming. Give…


Mark Wonder, True Stories of Mark Wonder (Groove Attack Records) This to-date retrospective of the Jamaica-born reggae guy begins with the not-really-representatively-poppy “So Long” as guested by Luciano, whose turn is more unplugged-Big Mountain-like than anything else on here, which, in the main, sticks to the roots, ganja-puff skank to rasta-babbling hard stuff to tourist-trap…

Glamour Kings, Front Row Seat To The End of the World

I already like these guys due to their no-nonsense, no-bullshit attitude and mentality.   Finally…a band that makes a very conscientious record that I can completely relate to.   Glamour Kings is their name and ‘Front Row Seat To The End of the World’ is their game that needs to be played carefully. Right away…

Tom Shaner, Get Real Or Get Gone

Tom Shaner is a multi-talented artist who has written over 300 songs in his career so he is no stranger to the music scene.   Shaner is a singer/songwriter & performer who dares you to ‘Get Real Or Get Gone’ on his new EP.   Prior to this solo release, Tom played in a band…

The Albertans, New Age

The Albertans aren’t from Alberta. Let’s just get that out of the way now. No gritty punk or honest-to-goodness country rock here. Instead, this Vancouver via Brooklyn five piece have combined the best of what both Vancouver and Brooklyn’s scenes are largely known for: fresh faced, melody driven pop with tons of indie sensibility and…

Bikini Robot Army, Old Soldiers

I have heard the phrase from most artists I have worked with/on: “Let’s put this up on the wall and take a look at it.” In the case of Val Broeksmit, the creed is something more like: “Let’s just run through the wall.” Under the guise of Bikini Robot Army, Val has pushed the limits…

Welter, The Bush Years

First things first, the guys from Welter love their guitars as evident in their debut full-length The Bush Years. The angsty-alt trio from Philly have been compared to Green Day Jawbreaker and The Replacements and while there are different elements at work here make no mistake, this is all about guitar, guitar and more guitar…

Jennifer Castle, Castlemusic

Female singer-songwriters are very often pigeonholed very quickly and given little opportunity to evolve artistically without their past releases being referenced. Lucky for Jennifer Castle, she’s left every door open on Castlemusic, her sonically lush debut. All nine tracks feature a depth of aesthetic and sonic approaches, all held together by this Toronto songwriter’s patient…

Morgan Bracy, End of Cinderella

I don’t usually say this but I really do feel like a star is born after hearing Morgan Bracy’s new release.   I never had a chance to hear her critically acclaimed debut album ‘Dirty Laundry’ but I can now say that ‘End of Cinderella’ is a brilliant piece of work. Everything about this album…

James Sera, Reality of the Fantasy

First and foremost I have to say that James Sera is a highly skilled guitar player after hearing ‘Reality of the Fantasy’.   Now that I got that out of the way let’s find out more about this debut album.   The new record features James playing solo on the acoustic guitar with nothing more…

Shaky DeVille, Hot Asphalt

Named after the classic ’76 Cadillac Coupe de Ville, Shaky DeVille is still cruisin’ along with style & pizzazz.   I actually reviewed what was supposed to be their self-titled debut album back in ’09 but low and behold ‘Hot Asphalt’ is the new debut.   Lead singer & guitarist Matt (M.S.B.) DeVille actually stopped…

Seven Against Thebes, Self Titled

Over the years we’ve seen rock & hard rock slowly erode into over-commercialized, corporate puppet shows providing us all with music that is extremely sing songy, predictable, highly popish & overly corporate sounding. I hereby call this new breed of music “Poser Rock” & I want to take this time to personally congratulate all the…

The Gertrudes, Dawn Time Riot

What makes Dawn Time Riot such a miraculous listen is how, with all its unmitigated energy, the record still manages to keep up its timely and highly entertaining pace throughout the record. Featuring eight players and over 100 guest musicians from the Gertrudes native Kingston; there is the worry that The Gertrudes could turn into…

Fair Weather Watchers, Out Past the Garden

It is through a contemporary interpretation of folk that songwriter Ginger Hebert and company has unveiled Out Past the Garden, a 13-track collection of songs admittedly “written and hoarded for years.” The emotive, yet approachable lyrical matter is laid over a delicate musicality foundation and features an intermittent array of unconventional instrumentation the likes of…