New York Rivals, New York Rivals

New York Rivals features Josh from Great Big Planes and Nash of Armor For Sleep. Their latest selft titled album   can be described in short as funny, it’s outstanding, it’s something everyone needs to know!

Every song from “I’m Not Ready Yet” to “Change” makes you wanna dance, rock and it’s so addictive you would immediately feel like you have been drugged with some kind of extasis. But it isn’t!… you are just having a pleasant eargasm that has taken over your entire body.

So while the chances of getting pregnant listening the full abum are very low, the risk of becoming addicted to it, are very high. No worries, though.   Certainly will be for good.

Only be sure to have in your calendar 18/10/2011 as the date you most get the album and buy it!… In the meantime, go ahead and like the guys on their facebook page and give yourself a little taste:

By: RJ Frometa –

[Rating: 5/5]

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