Rev Peter Unger sings a song for the downtrodden on “You’re Not Alone”. With a light airy feel to the arrangement the honest heartfelt message rings true. Small snapshots of those less fortunate, the ones who require great help through their moments of difficultly, are presented throughout the piece. Over the course of the piece Rev Peter Unger focuses on the loneliness that can define a person, of entering a new place, trying to overcome at times insurmountable obstacles. By opting for such a style, Rev Peter Unger lets the song develop into a sense of optimism through the roughest parts that oftentimes come to define a life.
The song begins with the attention on a singular individual, one who tries and fail to fit in. An outcast they search for comfort and eventually do find it. On other individuals Rev Peter Unger turns an eye towards those who have grown old, who have seen much of the world pass them by, wondering what happened to their many friends. Such isolated moments are only that, mere moments. For the way of the world is one of constantly coming together, becoming happier together. Concepts of faith emerge out of all this for it is faith that helps people move forward, to improve themselves and become better in time.
A testament to the power of support networks and of faith, Rev Peter Unger’s “You’re Not Alone” is a lovely deeply felt ethos.