Davy Williamson proves to be a deft storyteller on the raging hard rock of “Thin Disguise”. An exceptional guitarist he makes the thing sing, as the riffs are absolutely wild yet infinitely infectious. Rarely has hard rock sounded this good but rarely does it match up the lyricism and the sound with such perfection. The rest of the band follows suite for they effortlessly propel the whole of the track, with an intense rhythm that simply does not stop. So much energy radiates from the entire sound for it is a sheer force of nature. Right in the very heart of the whole thing comes the intense crystal-clear vision of Davy Williamson’s lyricism. Sung from a lived to the absolute fullest there is an urgency that rests right in the very heart of the sound.
Right at the start they dive deep into the colossal groove, with the guitars ringing out showing off his impeccable chops. The way that the song grows ever more expansive feels particularly incredible, for they ensure that not a moment is wasted as every single gesture is magnified in their sheer onslaught on the senses. Volume is an absolute must though they already play plenty loud, for the song is meant to be felt as well as heard. For the final stretch of the track, they truly let loose as the rampage of sound moves right to the breaking point in a way that feels delirious.
“Thin Disguise” shows off Davy Williamson’s mastery of creating a world that feels so visceral and so real.