Richard Lynch Presents New Single ‘Back In 1953’

Richard Lynch delves into a loving, tender moment of growing up with “Back In 1953”. A wonderful remembrance of his father, the lyrics have a tremendous poignancy to them. His voice emphasizes a gentle disposition one that expresses a sincere gratefulness. By allowing the work to simply move along at its own pace everything about it feels majestic. Nearly dreamy in terms of trying to picture an earlier, more innocent world, the whole of the work has a great powerful impact. Slide guitar sings up to the sky for its delicate and gracious approach has a soothing, almost meditative quality to it. Every element plays an important role, from the low-key rhythm to the gorgeous shimmering guitar work. The style is heavily versed in the country music spirit, in the way that it has such a gorgeous, perfectly balanced arrangement.

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The languid introduction of the piece sets the tone for what follows. Careful, considered gestures permeate the whole of sprawling work. Never rushed, Richard Lynch thinks of the kindness his father showed in, in gifting him with a deep appreciation of music. As the piece unfurls at its unique pace, he thinks about who he gifts the guitar to once he’s gone. His hope and desire to continue the proud tradition that his father begun has a great joy to it.

“Back In 1953” shows off Richard Lynch’s undeniable presence in creating a work that seems to be positively timeless.