How Can AI Be Used in Business?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been all the rage in the last couple of years. Some say it’s evil and could replace the human race in the future. Despite that, 56% of businesses use AI according to a study by McKinsey. That’s why it’s not a surprise how easy it is to find an artificial intelligence course online nowadays.

So, is AI good or bad? Can it benefit your business? When programmed for the right reasons, Artificial Intelligence can help grow your business. Below are some of the business problems you can solve using the technology.

Customer Service

Lately, almost every online business has a chatbot. Unlike humans, chatbots operate 24/7 and can answer a wide variety of questions. Usually, bots provide answers according to how they’re programmed.

The best bots mimic human conversations. As such, they don’t just execute bland statements. They use ai prompts to provide helpful answers.

If the customer isn’t satisfied, the chatbot then directs this customer to a human customer service agent.

The best part of using a chatbot is that it can help your business collect vital data. You can discover their most popular pain points and draft an FAQ section where they could find helpful answers.

Another reason to deploy a chatbot to your website is to help with landing new leads. A chatbot can ask potential customers questions about their expectations from you. And if the answers are related to buying your products, you can contact the leads later.

Outreach and Marketing

In business, sales outreach is a necessity. You just can’t succeed without it. Due to this, more and more businesses are tapping into AI to find and contact hot leads fast and efficiently.

As mentioned, you can use a chatbot or another tool to find the right leads. But you want to contact someone who’s already shown an interest in your products. Alternatively, target people who can benefit from your services.

When it comes to outreach, forget about cold pitching through emails. It takes too much time and has a low success rate. Instead, automate the process through a web contact form filler like Formcloud

Formcloud sends your sales pitch to all your leads through a contact method they already love—their website’s contact form. Messages sent through a web form go to the website owner’s preferred email address, ensuring they will read and respond to your message.

 Automating Content Generation

Nowadays, you can’t really tell whether a piece of content was written by a human or a bot. AI has become that good. And that means you can use it to create some of your business’ content.

By using a tool like ChatGPT or Jasper, you can create tons of articles you could later publish on your blog. Speaking of which, there’s a different tool for that job. You don’t need to publish every copy manually like it’s 2005.

You can use a bot to publish an article every day. If the bot is any good, it can also share your content on social media. If you want to, you can use a social media AI tool like Hootsuite to publish different posts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram on specific dates.

That being said, you don’t have to create every piece of content using AI. Some marketers prefer to use AI tools as guides. The tool helps you understand what content is most likely to perform based on available data. Then you can prioritize such content.


Manufacturing companies have been using robots to perform different tasks for a while now. Robots are, in fact, the biggest concern for people who dislike Artificial Intelligence.

Worry not, though. Robots used in manufacturing are not only efficient in their job, but they also work safely with humans. Another benefit of robots is that they’re cost-effective.

A robot purchased for $20,000 can work for as long as you want it to. You can also adjust its speed to increase output or reduce its speed for more efficacy where they have to work alongside humans.

That being said, it’s unlikely robots will replace human workers any time soon. The only thing that will change is the role humans will place inside manufacturing plants.

Facial and Object Recognition

Artificial Intelligence has advanced to the point where it can differentiate the faces of twins. It can also identify inanimate objects like bags, laptops, weapons, and phones.  

This makes the technology ideal for enhancing the security of various companies. If your business demands a high level of security, you can deploy AI to help identify security threats.

In the future, AI will be used to identify people’s characters based on their looks. In doing so, businesses can better match customers with products they’re likely to enjoy.

Internet of Things (IoT)

Smart TVs, smart refrigerators, smart washing machines—these are all products of AI. But why does everything need to be smart? Who really needs a smart dishwasher?

It all comes down to data. Manufacturers leverage AI to create Internet-enabled products because these devices can collect that could help the manufacturer learn about their customers.

Of course, IoT devices also benefit users in various ways. For example, your Internet-enabled TV can help you stream shows and sports. With a smart fridge, you can adjust temperatures, lock it with a password and keep tabs on what needs to be replaced in your fridge.


One of the biggest benefits of AI is that it can analyze large amounts of data. As a business owner, you can tap into this benefit by personalizing your customers’ experiences by analyzing the data you have about them.

In other words, you can use AI to create accurate customer profiles. And when you have a detailed understanding of a customer, you can give them the best experience. 

You already know what they look like, what they love to purchase, and their budget. All you need is to match their interests with your products and they might become long-term clients.

If you need assistance, take a look at how companies like Amazon and eBay market to you. They analyze your data and then recommend products you’re most likely to buy.