How Successful People Make the Most of Their Leadership


As a leader, what you say matters. That’s why successful leaders are good communicators: they know how to get their message across clearly and concisely. In addition, they demonstrate empathy with their employees, which helps them make better decisions. This article outlines some of the most effective ways to communicate as a leader and create a culture where people want to work

They know what they want.

Knowing what you want is the first step to getting there. If you don’t know what you want, how will you get there?

When we think about leadership, we tend to focus on the big picture: that elusive next level of success and influence. But often, it’s not about climbing higher and higher until our feet are off the ground; it’s about staying grounded in reality and reaching for a goal that feels achievable.

Let’s look at an example of this principle in action: Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign was an example of knowing exactly where he wanted his presidency to go while still being able to keep his feet firmly planted on the ground. While others were talking about breaking up banks or ending wars, he focused on rebuilding America through infrastructure projects—roads, bridges and hospitals—which would provide jobs for people across America without disrupting their lives too much (and without costing billions of dollars). His vision was clear and achievable; he knew where he wanted his presidency to go even before it began!

They don’t let other people set their priorities.

  • They don’t let other people set their priorities.
  • They don’t let other people tell them what to do, when to do it and how to do it.
  • These leaders know that if they want something done, they have to be the ones who take charge of the situation and make it happen.

They keep things simple.

When it comes to leadership, the best leaders do not overcomplicate things. They keep things simple and straightforward.

This is because the more complex a problem or situation gets, the less likely it is that we will be able to solve it effectively. If you find yourself getting overwhelmed by a challenge at work, ask yourself: “What problem am I trying to solve?” Then break down that larger task into smaller pieces with clear goals and deadlines for each step along the way. Keep your focus on achieving those goals rather than worrying about what might happen if something goes wrong (or right).

They accept that things change and roll with the punches.

You will never be able to predict everything that will happen in your life. Sometimes, you need to be open-minded and flexible enough to know when change is inevitable—and often, it’s a good thing. If you have a new idea or an idea of how something can be done differently, don’t be afraid to bring it up and make suggestions. You never know what other people are thinking!

If there’s something that needs changing or improving at work (or even at home), don’t avoid bringing it up because you’re afraid of being wrong or making mistakes. Instead, take ownership of your role in the company’s success and make sure that every decision made by your team aligns with its goals. At the end of the day, this kind of leadership style is much more beneficial than staying silent about things because they don’t seem like a big deal right now but could become serious problems later on down the road if left unchecked.”

They embrace failure.

Successful people know that failure is an unavoidable part of life, not something to be afraid of. They embrace it as a learning experience and use it as a stepping stone to success.

Failure isn’t just an option for successful people—it’s a necessity! Without failing at some point, you can never achieve the successes you want in life or business. Even if you do everything right and stay on top of your game 24/7, there will still be times when things don’t go exactly how they were planned—and that’s okay! The important thing is how you respond when things don’t go according to plan: do you allow yourself time to recover from setbacks? Do you change course? Or do you keep going forward despite the obstacles? Successful leaders are able create their own definition of success by finding ways around obstacles rather than letting them get in their way.

They learn from mentors

One of the best ways to improve your leadership skills is by learning from others. A mentor can provide support, help guide you through tough situations and teach you vital lessons that’ll help in your career.

Mentors are people who have been there and done that. They have a lot of experience and wisdom to share—they know what it takes to be successful in their field, which means they may also know what it takes for you to get there too! Mentors can answer questions like: What’s working with this client? How do I handle their requests? How can I best lead my team? What mistakes should I avoid making? What will make me most successful as a leader?

They understand that if you want something done you have to do it yourself.

If you want something done, do it yourself.

This is a lesson that every successful leader has learned and lived by. If you want to be successful, if you want to lead, then there’s no better way to learn than by doing.

To get a sense of how this plays out in real life, let’s consider two examples: the first from my own experience as an entrepreneur and the second from John Darnielle’s novel Universal Harvester (which I highly recommend).

They ask for help when they need it.

Make sure you set aside time to ask for help. You may feel like you’re being a burden, but the truth is, no one will think less of you for asking for help. In fact, if they know how much you are struggling and still do not offer their services, they might be just as bad as the problem itself. Asking for help will only make them look better because it shows that they care about your success as much as their own.

When asking someone to assist with a task or project, remember these three principles: 1) Ask before it’s too late; 2) Ask from the right person; 3) Be prepared yourself so that others don’t have to take care of everything themselves (and possibly resent doing so).

They give back to their employees.

The most successful leaders understand the importance of giving back to their employees. They are not only responsible for leading and managing people, but they also need to be mentors who guide their employees on their professional paths. In order to achieve this, they must give back by:

  • being a mentor to other team members
  • encouraging them to take on more responsibility
  • providing opportunities for growth and learning new skills
  • providing tools (both tangible and intangible) that will help them succeed in their roles

They are clear communicators, not just in writing but also in speech.

Being a successful leader means being able to communicate with your team in a way that is clear, concise and understandable. You want to make sure you are communicating exactly what it is that you want from them, so they can give their best effort.

To achieve this goal, successful leaders communicate in writing as well as verbally–both are important for different reasons. In writing, you can ensure that there are no misunderstandings about what needs to be done or why it’s important. In speech, you can use examples and stories to make sure everyone understands why something matters and how they should approach it differently than before.

If you want to become a better leader, then good communication skills is a must

If you want to become a better leader, then good communication skills is a must. A person with good communication skills has the ability to communicate clearly and effectively with their team members. This can be developed through practice by using the right words and phrases when speaking in front of people.

The ability to communicate clearly is one of the most important leadership skills that should be practiced at all times. When communicating with your employees or colleagues at work, make sure that you deliver your message clearly so that everyone understands what your intentions are for them.

If you want to improve your communication skills as a leader here are some tips:

  • Know what’s expected from you – Before meeting anyone make sure that you know what they expect from you as a leader because this will help guide how well they understand what it means when someone does something wrong instead of just saying “I don’t know why he did this… I don’t know why she did this.”* Be aware of cultural differences – If there are people who come from different cultures than yours then try not making any assumptions about how things should go unless otherwise asked.* Don’t interrupt others while speaking – Interrupting someone while they’re talking gives off bad vibes across every department within an organization.* Don’t use jargon unless necessary – Jargon is sometimes necessary but only if there’s no other way around it!


At the end of the day, it’s all about knowing what you want and making sure that your team knows it too. If you can do this, then you will be on your way to becoming a successful leader!


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