Meredith Lazowski’s stunning new single is Americana gold

Toronto-based Americana singer-songwriter Meredith Lazowski sat down recently with @skopemag to talk about her gorgeous new single and title track from her forthcoming album, “Other Way Home” (out now).

@skopemag: Tell us about your new single, “Other Way Home.”

Meredith: This song was written in my early twenties. It describes a significant turning point in a relationship and the search for clarity whether to stay or leave. It’s about making these hard decisions when values just don’t align anymore. Decisions are tough. Passivity won’t work. But once you have some clarity, making that decision and moving forward can be very empowering. Basically, if they are not along for the ride, I hope they find the other way home.

@skopemag: What made you want to name the album after this song?

Meredith: This album was a way of navigating my way back “home” to my creative self and back to music specifically. This song magically rediscovered itself from an old songbook and made its way as the title track for the album. It just felt right. This old song dovetailed nicely into the album. The themes of making those difficult decisions and moving on corresponds nicely to my decision to make this debut album. Many of the other songs on the album may evoke a similar feeling of returning to old roots, timeliness, and embarking on new journeys.

@skopemag: What do you hope listeners take from having heard it?

Meredith: I hope listeners get a feeling of empowerment, to take a step forward in their day. This song has a real feeling of momentum, and it is best listened to while in motion.

@skopemag: For the folks who are just meeting you for the first time, how would you describe your music in a nutshell?

Meredith: Meditative alt-folk/country. A lot of my tunes are very visual since I am also a designer, so I hope to transport you to a place you really wish you were. Some of my tunes will feel a bit more classic country, and some are more alt-folk – and I hope the variety keeps you listening!