Heistheartist Video For ‘Boom – Doo Wop Version’

Heistheartist goes for an old-school style on the powerful yet playful style of “Boom – Doo Wop Version”. As a fan of Doo Wop, it is doubly refreshing to hear the style reinterpreted in this seemingly futuristic fashion. The keyboard work harkens back to a specific 90s R&B soulfulness. His voice takes front and center stage, from which all else flows. Lyricism has a poetry to it, the way each line builds off the last resulting in something quite stunning. By balancing so many different layers together he lets a degree of richness take hold over the whole experience.

A soothing, subdued introduction starts the sound off on the right foot. From there it all begins to evolve. Beats have a snap to them, for they hit with an emotional cadence. Keeping things slow works well alongside his chilled-out vocal style. So full of love the song has a peacefulness to it, one that feels doubly refreshing to experience. Grooves go for the leisurely making sure that every moment gets accurately reflected with the utmost of care. Elements of hip-hop certainly inform much of the work adding to the decadence with which it trades. Over the course of the track he has a crystal clarity, a calmness that never ceases but rather comforts.

“Boom – Doo Wop Version” shows off the deft skill of Heistheartist as he continues to build upon his sound, delivering a soulful ode that lingers in the mind long after the track has ended.