Ashley Puckett Presents ‘What’s Her Name’

A no-holds-barred swagger informs “What’s Her Name” proving Ashley Puckett to be a person to be reckoned with, as she completely commands the stage. The guitar work punctuates the power of her words giving each one that heightened sense of tension. Definitely going for a hard southern rock tact, the piece holds nothing back. Her fiery presence is a true thing of beauty for there is a strength to it one that feels doubly refreshing. Everything within the sound has that right amount of vigor about it, for the force of nature she conjures up is truly awe-inspiring.

The hit of the drum and guitar riff set the tone for what follows. Her voice fully fleshes out the sound and indeed becomes the very focal point of it all. Everything hits with a sense of chaos to it. Rhythms have a power to them one that powers the whole thing forward. Over the course of the track she doubles, even triples down on the defiance. Here she advocates completely and fully for herself, resulting in a sort of style that has a distinct balance about it. Guitar work here feels just ever so slightly unhinged, in a way that is a true joy to behold. Everything about it deserves to be played as loudly as possible, for this song is one that announces a victory, a willingness to no longer take this sort of treatment.

“What’s Her Name” shows off the exquisite work of Ashley Puckett for she creates a world that has such a raw grit and soul about it.