Top Casino Themed Books For Bookworm Gamblers

Is gambling something you’re interested in? Gambling is a lot of fun, whether you do it online or in person with your buddies in a casino. 

As a newbie to casino gambling looking for free spins 2022, building a library of beginner guides can help you improve your game and increase your pleasure. You never know how far your passion for a game will lead you, as some of these writers have shown. To be honest, nobody knows. A successful author on becoming an expert at casino gambling maybe you one day.

Reading casino-themed books might help you learn more about card games and prominent players. Fortunately, there are several choices from which to choose and relish. Here are some of the most fantastic books about gambling to help you get started. 

Bringing Down the House

You may have learned about the Educationists who won millions of dollars at Las Vegas casinos. Ten million dollars is what we’re discussing. Please read Bringing Down The House if you want to learn more about this fascinating narrative. For a fascinating look into the lives of some of history’s most well-known figures, Ben Mezrich has written an engaging book. 

Gambling for Life: Harry Findlay

If you’ve ever wondered how he managed to win over $22 million, Harry Findlay is the man to talk to. While you won’t be guaranteed to win as much money as he did, you may benefit from his experience and develop a better grasp of the world of gambling. Any online casino player will find this book of particular interest. 

The Fortune’s Formula

Many things are associated with the Bell Telephone Company. Its hypothesis about light captured Einstein’s Nobel Prize-winning concept that light may generate power. AT&T, its successor, is most known for its poor internet speeds. 

This did not stop Claude Shannon and John L. Kelly Jr. from setting out to make as much money as possible in 1956. These researchers dug into topics such as stock trading and the philosophy of information to develop the “Kelly criteria,” also known as the “Fortune’s Formula.” 

The Biggest Bluff

Playing poker will be a lot more entertaining after reading this book. If you’ve ever wondered what it takes to be a successful gambler, this book is for you. If you’re interested in psychology and how it pertains to poker, Konnikova’s book is an excellent place to start. 


Are you a fan of gambling in sports? This is for you. During the 2018 World Cup, Simon Kuper’s approach is the focus of Soccernomics, a book he has published. The book delves into the strategies he used to win. You may take a page out of their book and apply what you’ve learned to your current gaming endeavors.

One of a Kind: The World’s Greatest Player

Stuey Ungar is a name familiar to everyone who enjoys researching the game of poker. Nonetheless, you may not know his whole tale. Nolan Dalla’s book One of a Kind: The World’s Greatest Player will reveal everything. This book will discuss everything about his life and how he became a successful poker player.

Final Worlds

Nowadays, many people assume that reading books is a waste of time since they are so old-fashioned. Books are only for most first-timers; however, this is not true. Gambling tales are known for their suspenseful plots and high stakes. Many well-known gamblers have written books on their methods and techniques, and many casino-related topics have even made it into bestseller lists.