You Can Save A Life – Become A Living Organ Donor with

In the U.S., 22 people die every day waiting for a deceased kidney transplant. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization working hard to reduce that number by providing an online platform for those in need of an organ transplant to meet and connect with living donors.   With over 15,000+ vetted, altruistic living organ donors, we are the largest living donor database in the United States.  The waiting list for a deceased organ is approximately 7-9 years. But since uses living donors, our patients can quickly find a willing donor and receive their transplant within 6 months of signing up.  

Visit, create your profile, and find your perfect match today! 

Now, you don’t have to donate a kidney, to save a life. Donate your vehicle, real estate, boat, or other item (visit our website for the full list of what you can donate) and 100% of the proceeds save the lives of patients needing an organ donor. We make the process easy: Go online to or call us at 1-800-385-0422 ext 7. We will pick up the donation at your earliest convenience, and complete all of the paperwork for you to receive the maximum possible tax write off.