Valentina – ‘This Time I Know’ – Austro/Latinos Singer’s New Single

“Esta canción la escribí sobre ser independiente por primera vez, cumplir mis metas, ir por mis sueños, soltarme, hacer cosas que me prohibían desde chiquita, y ignorar las opiniones de ciertas personas que no me permitían ser la mejor version de mí misma. La escribí sobre mis experiencias personales, y como esta vez sera diferente ya que he logrado fortalecerme mentalmente al punto que ya sé exactamente quién soy y lo que quiero, y esta vez no hay nadie que me detenga.”

The first single from Valentina, a young singer and songwriter with a soul voice beyond her years, with a story to tell and already with a global following and reputation within the music business.

Though born in Kitzbühel in Austria, Valentina grew up in mean streets of the Dominican Republic. In her early teens to escape to a different world, she started uploading songs to Youtube where she gained a loyal following and won a $10,000 songwriting competition, on her return to Europe she has also modelled for fashion houses and brands in Vienna and London.

An artist with a huge future watch this space…

