5 Techniques to Improve Your Writing

Writing scares many people, especially those who do not write professionally. Fortunately, composing doesn’t need to be a struggle for anyone! You can improve your writing abilities with a bit of help and of course, a desire to learn. Below you will find some fun and simple ways to up your writing day by day. Try doing some of the things from the list regularly and you will be surprised at the progress you’ll be making. No need to buy custom essay anymore – you will be able to write your own and teach your classmates a thing or two!

Revisit the basics

Before you can begin composing mind-blowing content, you will need to understand the fundamental rules of composing. This doesn’t mean you have to enroll in some expensive writing program at a prestigious university, but learning you will have to do. Luckily, there are plenty of free online courses and moderately priced books on the subject.

Furthermore, you should master syntax and spelling of your target language, whether it’s your mother tongue or your second language. Writing good texts is not the same as fluency, so do not slight this step even if you are a native speaker.

Look around

Make use of your general surroundings as an inspiration and source material. Look at the people on a subway train, read the posts in your Facebook feed, strike a conversation with a stranger at Starbucks – everything you do during the day can be a budding story. As author Henry Miller once said, “Create enthusiasm for life through your eyes; in individuals, things, writing, music — the world is so rich, essentially throbbing with rich fortunes, delightful spirits, and fascinating individuals. Disregard yourself.”

If you don’t think you have anything exciting in your life to explore, think again. There is a motivation all around you — you simply must find the right optics to see it.

Write now, edit later

When you are writing, it is important just to write down all your ideas in a more or less coherent form. Don’t think about exact wording and a perfect sentence structure just yet. Even experienced essayists do not always come up with an ideal first draft, so setting your hopes too high right from the start is unreasonable.

Normally, one of the useful steps in composing is to set a clock for 10 minutes and simply write what you think must be in your piece. Jot down everything you know, feel, or think is important. Try not to compose too cautiously or too precisely.

Join a workshop or take a night class

Many people are not very comfortable with exposing their innermost feelings to the world at large. However, that is what writers do. To make the first tentative step, you may want to join a writing workshop where participants are tasked with writing and reading their essays to the fellow members of the group.

Sharing your writing with supportive peers can be tremendously helpful – and a lot of fun. Just make sure to find a good class. You do not need to have an unfinished novel in your desk to join a workshop. Nowadays, showcasing your writing through meet-ups and professional writing groups are getting more and more popular among bloggers, journalists, and essayists.

Just write

Knowing that you have a strong desire to improve your writing skills, the more you do it, the better. There are so many ways to exercise your creative muscles! Make the most of every chance to hone your skills – crafting eloquent emails and witty tweets, starting a personal blog or volunteering to do writing tasks at work.

You can also play a little game: consistently pick two or three words and nominate them “words of the day. Keep them somewhere you can see them by using post-its and sticking them on your desk, your bedroom wall or wherever you look often. Make a commitment to use them in your writing on that same day. Next day, come up with some new words. When this task becomes too easy – nominate more words or start picking ones that are more difficult to use casually.