Reasons Every Child Should Have the Opportunity to Learn the Piano

Most parents dream of their children becoming successful individuals one day, and you are most likely no different. Your child is special to you, and you want to encourage them to be as great as you know they can be. Yet, the path to success might just be getting them to learn the piano. After all, numerous studies show that playing a musical instrument as a child benefits people throughout their whole lives. Here are some key findings you may want to consider.

Promotes Their Physical Abilities

It may come as a surprise, but playing the piano is a great way to get a workout. Your child’s hand-eye coordination often improves. It often helps to develop fine motor skills when a child starts playing when they are young. Children learn to coordinate the movement of their hands and feet. Yet, your child will never know that they are working on these important skills because they are having so much fun.

Leads to Academic Success

According to a study conducted by the College Entrance Examination Board found that students who played an instrument scored 63 points higher on the verbal part of the Scholastic Aptitude Test. Furthermore, students playing an instrument score 44 points high in the math part of the test. Encouraging your child to learn to play the piano could save you money in the long-run when you consider that college scholarships are often based on these tests scores. You may even want to consider taking up the piano yourself as a role model.

Teaches Self-Discipline & Prevents Behavioral Problems

Many studies suggest that playing the piano helps to prevent behavior problems. After all, a child must learn to set aside time to practice, giving them less opportunity to look for a chance to get into trouble. They must also learn to deal with distractions while practicing. Overall, it teaches the self-discipline needed to be dedicated—maintaining dedication is an important thing to learn that will propel them towards success in the future.

Through their dedication, they will feel more accomplished as they master difficult pieces by Mozart and other popular pianists’ compositions. They may even win or place at competitions. Whether or not they’re a winner at such events, they’ll see that their hard work and self-discipline can lead to great things.

Gives Them a Better Chance at One Day Earning a Good Living

Taking piano lessons as a child often equates into making a better living as an adult. Studies show that schools with a music education program have a 93.3 percent attendance rate compared to those without where the average attendance rate is just 84.9 percent. Students who play the piano or another instrument are also more likely to graduate than their peers. A study found that 66 percent of all undergraduates receiving a music degree were accepted into medical school. Taking piano lessons encourages students to have the skills and discipline needed to graduate once they are there.

There are many reasons that getting a piano is the right move for your family. Take a look at your family’s financial situation and see how you can make this a reality. Now that you know the benefits of having your child play the piano, you need to find or purchase one and hire a moving company, like Wheaton World Wide Moving, to move one into your home.