Fortune’s Folly – ‘Peaceful Battle Cry’

Full of power and fury Fortune’s Folly taps into rock’s unruly spirit with “Peaceful Battle Cry”. An infectious rhythm rushes through, with guitar gestures further adding to the classic psychedelic rock sheen. By far the true heart and soul comes from the passionate vocals that rise above it all. Her voice simply shines through it all, carrying the entire piece forward. With a righteous tenor to her voice, the lyrics gain poignancy. A defiant spirit comes to define the entire song while it expands and evolves in such a grand majestic fashion. Volume is a must for this is a track that deserves to be blasted.

Starting up with a tremendous amount of swagger, the tempos careen wildly. The guitar work has a ferocious edge to it, while multiple layers of sound interact with the greatest of ease. Upon settling into a groove, the vocals come into the mix and truly bring the track to a whole other level. Nicely pulling back a little bit, the groove transforms into a driving rhythm helping everything rush by in a brilliant display of color. Opting for a sense of tension, Fortune’s Folly brings the entire piece up to its breaking point before they simply let loose. Upon letting loose Fortune’s Folly show off all their chops: from the intricate guitar work to the wild vocal delivery.

With “Peaceful Battle Cry” Fortune’s Folly opts for a timeless, tasteful sound, with riffs that ring in the ears long after.

By Pedro Reed