Six Helpful Tips to Help You When Keto Dieting

Dieting is never an easy process for anyone. You will have to follow a set of rules and give up some of the things that you are used to eating. With the ketogenic diet, you will have to eliminate carbs from your diet and eat more foods that are rich in fats. Starting on the keto diet may seem like hard work for most people, but with time your body will get used to it. These few tips will assist you in your keto dieting lifestyle.

Avoid excessive protein
Most people on a ketogenic diet tend to consume lots of protein. However, excessive proteins are broken down into amino acids and then glucose through a chemical process known as gluconeo genesis. As a result, you will keep getting in and out of ketosis. Your protein intake should largely depend on the intensity of exercises you engage in.

Regular exercises
A regular high-intensity exercise regimen will stimulate a glucose transport molecule known as GLUT-4 receptor in the muscle tissue and liver. This receptor works to eliminate sugar from the blood stream and store it as glycogen. Regular exercise boosts the levels of this protein in your liver and muscle tissues. This is a crucial adaptation that will help you maintain ketosis.

Improve your sleep
Lack of sleep or poor sleeping patterns will increase the concentration of stress hormones and cause an increase in blood sugar levels. Therefore, you should ensure that you sleep for at least 8 hours every night. This will ensure that you feel mentally alert and good throughout the day. A good night sleep will be beneficial to your keto diet for beginners.

When keto dieting, make sure that you are always hydrated. Most people get so busy with activities of everyday life that they forget to stay hydrated. You should have a hydrating schedule that will ensure that your body gets the water that it requires for effective functioning. Breaking down of fats utilizes lots of energy and water can help to replenish lost ions.

Lower stress levels
Chronic stress levels will reduce the ability of your body to stay in the ketosis state. This is because stress elevates the concentration of stress hormones, which increase blood sugar levels so that you are able to fight or flee from the stressor. Short-lived stress in not bad. However, when it is prolonged, it will increase glucose levels and lower ketones concentration in the body.

Consume adequate salt
Ketosis will rapidly reduce electrolytes from the kidneys, for example, sodium. When one is on a carbohydrate-rich diet, the insulin levels are high and this causes the kidneys to retain sodium, resulting in a high sodium/potassium ratio. However, in a ketosis state, the insulin levels are low and a high concentration of sodium is excreted by the kidneys. This is why you need to increase your salt intake to replenish the lost electrolytes.

Adapting healthy lifestyle strategies plays a key role in helping you to achieve and maintain ketosis. Some lifestyle activities and habits will help your body to adapt to using ketones as a source of energy and not glucose. Take time to understand your body so that you can stick to lifestyle habits that will help you in your ketogenic dieting.