Lesoir is a rock quartet from the Netherlands. They’ve gone from touring in Belgium, to the U.K., even all the way to China, where they performed in front of many thousands.
Transience is the name of their recently-released album, Lesoir’s second. It makes a bit of a departure from the band’s debut, as this album is generally “not as heavy as before and somewhat melancholy in parts.”
“Feet on the Ground” is an interesting title for a song that makes me feel like I’m about to take flight. ‘Raw energy’ is a description that could apply here. Some of the background guitar riffs provide a slick touch.
“Walk You Out” is definitely more low-key, at least during the first few minutes. Seems the vocalist is singing an octave higher than in the previous track. Why not, she can pull it off just fine!
“Transience,” the title track, is lively without being heavy. Listen to the chorus, the way the vocalist sings the words: “No strings attached.” Quite beautiful, in my opinion. Just dawned on me that the song’s (and the album’s) title has philosophical possibilities.
About 45 seconds or so into the track “Thick Skin” there is a grand poetic flight with the vocals. Listeners recommended.
“(What I) Long For” has a bit of a harder edge to it. The speaker is taking a firm existential stand: “I don’t want anyone to take my moments away from me.”
The track “Big Talk, Small Thoughts” goes from barely perceivable to crushing in its intensity.
The track “Identical Thoughts” wastes no time in getting launched. There’s some pretty engaging rhythm guitar riffs here. No less engaging are the lyrics: “It’s all about complete submission / It’s all about the arousing of curiosity.” Consider me aroused and curious!
A tender melancholy comes to the surface with “Tables Turned.” Then, about halfway through, arrives a fine arrangement of forceful guitar chords.
“The Edge” makes me think of another listener’s remark that: “Lesoir takes you to an obscure city, where you wouldn’t mind getting lost…”
Feel like ‘getting lost’? Join the international following at: http://www.reverbnation.com/lesoirmusic
Ray Cavanaugh – owleyesgatsby@yahoo.com