Louise Aubrie, Time Honoured Alibi


This month will see the anticipated follow-up album from London transplant rocker, Louise Aubrie. On the heels of her 2010 debut, Fingers Crossed, Aubrie has again teamed with famed British Rockabilly pioneer and producer, Boz Boorer (Morrisey) on Time Honoured Alibi–8-tracks of her signature Post Punk Indie leanings and vocal/ guitar tandem.


Opening with distorted electric before surrendering to melodic riff, “Where Are You” is a preview track of Aubrie’s slightly Punk laced vocal delivery and technical guitar work. This one is bolstered by a driving bass line foundation and agro percussion allowing the vocal delivery to stand at the foreground of the track. More fuzzy electric ushers in “Lovestruck” with another bouncing bass line slightly underneath. Complete with backing keys and accompaniment vocals; this is what a stripped down version of The Killers would sound like with female lead. “Circuit” slows the pace with acoustic strums and electric fills in a mid tempo ballad. While the verse work is demure the chorus soars with the reverb electric taking the helm in tandem with Aubrie’s vocal delivery. “The Seams” returns to the up-tempo pace with driving guitar work, percussion and urgent vocals. The Punk influence shines through on this one, especially through the effects-laden guitar work. The album culminates with bookend track “Gold.” Acoustic meets melodic pick work before the vocals join and the track continues to build incrementally. Thematically a love song, this track completely pushes Aubrie’s vocal delivery to the foreground. Add in backing strings and bells to what is easily the prettiest track on the album.

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Aubrie continues to prove she has her craft and sound where she wants them. Highlighting the tracks are certainly her vocal and electric tandem but beyond the obvious musicality, the album comes with tight production, illustrating Boorer’s mark on it while the arrangement of the tracks provides the appropriate peaks and valleys one wants to hear through an album’s entirety. Overall, a respectable sophomore effort.  


by Christopher West – cwestlaz@gmail.com

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