Adrian Moses is a talented upcoming artist of the singer/songwriter genre. Whether he’s tackling pop, rock or electro beats, Adrian is finding his voice, and Melbourne is listening.

Q. The 2 singles [Crazy In A Good Way and Shudder]you have on Facebook are quite different in both genre and spirit, do you consider yourself a ‘singles’ artist?

A. I wouldn’t say I’m a singles artist, more I’m trying out different genres until I find a genre which suits me best. I’m into a lot of genres of music, so until I find a sound which is me, I think I will continue to experiment. I have more originals on my soundcloud check them out.

[youtube aph6P8gdkH8 nolink]

Q. You haven’t been writing very long, maybe 2 years?, yet you’ve already accomplished quite a bit in that time. What motivates you as an artist?

A. Yeah, just about 2 years now, I think it’s everything about music which motivates me, it’s a natural high which I can’t get enough of and I just want to share my music with everyone. My music gives me a sense of direction.

Q. What is BTP and how has it helped you develop as an artist?

A. BTP is where it all started for me, it’s a singing school I attended. If there was no BTP there would be no Adrian Moses.

Q. Do you have an album or e.p. planned anytime soon?

A. No album or e.p. at the moment but hopefully sometime at the end of year or early next year.

Q. Do you have a band together, any tour plans?

A. No band, currently just writing more songs, just me and my piano for the moment, but hopefully by the end of the year or early next year, I will have an e.p. and will definitely be trying to get it out there.

Q. Live do you mix both rock and electro pop genres?

A. Live I usually do acoustic versions of my songs when accompanied by a guitarist. My most recent song, “Crazy In Good Way“ was the first I’ve ever co-wrote and it was written in a way that it can be stripped back and preformed acoustically too. I think it really depends on the venue and crowd and which will they appreciate more.

Q. What is the music scene like in Melbourne?

A. Personally, I maybe a bit bias, but I think Melbourne has a pretty good music scene. A lot of venues, a lot talented musicians where you can hear many different styles . There are a lot of Open Mic nights and many venues which host various events where you can watch a lot of ocal talent.

Q. If there is anything the world should know about you – what would it be?

A. Expect the unexpected.  

Douglas Garnett –

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