ThaGataNegrra sounds neon. Akin to FKA Twig’s nuanced compositions ThaGataNegrra’s are nimble bright and remarkably catchy. Rhythmically “Gata City” never stops. With an endless amount of kinetic energy the songs blast forward. Plenty of cat references are thrown throughout the album which fits neatly with the overall playful feel of the album. Melody and rhythm work together to keep the album focused. Various interludes are sprinkled throughout the album giving the listener slight rests from the overall relentless energy from the album.
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After a short interlude the album begins with “Felinephunk” whose economical execution opens the album up in style. On “Like I Do (You Should Dance With Me)” the song essentially becomes an endless dance groove. Moving into dance funk with the slinky “Come Show Me” the album presents one of its highlights. The synthesizer stabs are particularly luscious. Frantic energy defines the aggressive “GATA City: Kuro Neko Chaos” whose intense vocal delivery coupled with minimal structure makes it one of the harder tracks. “I Like” relaxes the overall tone of the album as the song settles into a comfortable laid back groove. Later the album presents a remix of “I Like” highlighting its mellow tone into a long-lost jazz-rock fusion track.
Towards the end of the collection things relax a bit further with the spaced out “Paperdollz”. For “Juliet is Bleeding” the song begins with a rainstorm before moving into relatively optimistic, lovely territory. “Gata City” is a sweet strange album full of surprises.
Posted by Beach Sloth