It was always George Cahills dream to write and record songs but, he didn’t get to live his dream until after a career as a real estate agent and firefighter.   He is multi-talented being a singer, rhythm guitarist and as he calls it, “an observational songwriter”.   He recalls many instances while in the firehouse, just writing down song ideas and lyrics, and is now finally putting them together for his next full length album release entitled “Solutions”.
Tell us a little about how you got into music after being a successful real estate agent and firefighter.

Since early childhood, Music has always been an important part of my life. As a teenager I loved listening to Stevie Wonder, Smoky Robinson, the The Temptations and many Motown artists. Fast forward to my early teenage years enter the Bob Dylan, the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. Then at age 19 I joined the Fire Department. When I worked as a Philadelphia Fire Fighter I always took my acoustic guitar into the fire house and would find a private place in the Fire House to practice . I started guitar lessons in 1969 and mostly worked on learning songs by Hank Williams, Woody Guthrie, Bob Dylan , Cat Stephens and John Prine. When I first started playing a few of the fire fighters I worked with would often beg me to stop playing since my playing was so poor and my guitar was almost always out of tune.

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Who were your musical influences?

Hank Williams, Stevie Wonder, Smoky Robinson, Bob Dylan, The Rolling Stones, John Prine.

Do you do all your own songwriting and production?

I usually write all of the lyrics of the songs on my albums but my partner Dan Michael Minutolo also writes the music on at least two tracks on each album.   All of the pre production on my first four albums were done at Dan Michael Minutolo’s 1421 Studios in Philadelphia. Pa. Once the pre production is finished the mastering is done by Master Work Recordings in Philadelphia.

[youtube YrEhekoMNaM]

Tell us about your current recordings.

Currently, we are in the studio working on my next full length album titled “Solutions” consisting of fourteen new original songs.

What do you want listeners to get from your songs?

I want them to feel the same was as I do when I’m performing and recording the song. If it’s a sad song I want them to feel sad. If its a happy song I want them to feel happy. If it’s a rocker I want them to get up and dance !

Any new projects in the works?

In addition to working on my next album I just got notified that I will be working on a song writing collaboration with celebrity Anand Bhatt’s on his next Children’s Album project!

[youtube BmQeiV0Ir9o]

What do you see yourself doing 5 years from now?

Writing songs for screen plays from the Caribbean ( at least during the winter months! lol)
Diana Olson –

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