What’s Causing Insufficient Cooling in Your Home?

When summer temperatures climb, a well-functioning air conditioning system isn’t just a luxury—it’s a necessity. But what happens when you’re met with a lukewarm breeze from your vents or certain rooms stubbornly refuse to cool down?

Discovering that your home needs to maintain that refreshing, cool atmosphere can be both uncomfortable and concerning. In this section, you delve into the typical culprits behind insufficient cooling in your home, from simple fixes to more complex issues that may require professional attention.

Ever wondered why your home feels like a sauna despite the AC running non-stop? It might be time for some air conditioner repair in Johnstown, CO.

Clogged air filters

One of the most common and easily overlooked reasons for insufficient cooling is clogged air filters. Air filters trap dust, pet dander, and other particulates, ensuring that your indoor air remains clean. However, when they become too dirty, they restrict airflow to your HVAC system, significantly reducing its efficiency and your home’s ability to cool down.

To remedy this issue, it’s essential to inspect your air filters monthly and replace them at least every 90 days. You may also need to replace filters more frequently for homes with pets or high dust levels. Simple and inexpensive, this maintenance task can improve your air conditioner’s performance and extend its lifespan.

Refrigerant leaks

The refrigerant, often referred to as Freon, is the chemical that cools the air within your AC system. When there is a leak, the level of refrigerant drops, meaning there is not enough to absorb heat from the air efficiently.

Not only does this result in warmer air being circulated, but it can also overwork your AC system as it struggles to reach the desired temperature, potentially leading to more significant damage.

To address a refrigerant leak, it is essential first to identify and repair the source of the leak. A certified HVAC technician should handle this, as they will have the necessary tools and experience to fix the leak and test the repair.

Once the leak has been repaired, the technician can recharge your AC system with the correct amount of refrigerant. It’s worth noting that handling refrigerant requires special certification due to its hazardous nature and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations, so this is not a recommended DIY fix.

Thermostat issues

Thermostat problems are another prevalent cause of inadequate cooling. If your thermostat is breaking down or incorrectly calibrated, it may not accurately gauge the temperature, leading to your AC system running insufficiently or excessively. Sometimes, the problem can be as simple as a thermostat set to heat and not cool or if someone in the home sets a temperature higher than you prefer.

To address thermostat issues, first, ensure that it is set to the appropriate mode and temperature. If the problem persists, check the batteries, as low power could affect performance. Sometimes, recalibrating or replacing an outdated or non-functional thermostat can resolve cooling issues.

In cases of complex electronic or wiring malfunctions, contacting a professional is advised to ensure proper handling and avoid further damage to your HVAC system.

Dirty condenser coils

The efficiency of your air conditioner can be significantly affected by dirty condenser units outside the unit. These coils release heat from your home and can get encrusted with dirt and debris over time, hindering heat expulsion. This makes your AC work harder, increasing energy use and reducing cooling capacity.

The condenser coils should be cleaned annually as part of regular AC maintenance. You can start by removing any visible debris by hand or with a brush and then use a coil cleaner solution, available at most hardware stores, to dissolve any build-up.

After applying the cleaner, gently rinse the coils with a hose, taking care not to damage the fins. Before performing any maintenance, it’s imperative to ensure the unit’s power is turned off.

If the coils need thorough cleaning or are heavily soiled, it may be best to call a professional. HVAC technicians have specialized tools and solutions to perform deep cleanings without damaging the delicate parts of your AC system. Regular maintenance of the condenser coils will improve your home’s cooling efficiency and expand the lifespan of your air conditioner.

Air duct leaks or blockage

Air duct leaks or blockages are another significant factor that can lead to insufficient cooling in your home. Ductwork serves as the pathway for cool air to travel throughout your house. If there are leaks, holes, or disconnects within this system, that cool air may escape into spaces that don’t require conditioning, like attics or inside walls.

This not only cools non-living spaces but also decreases the air that reaches its intended destinations. On the other hand, blockages could be anything from a build-up of dust and debris to more substantial obstructions, which limit airflow and reduce the system’s cooling ability.

A thorough inspection is required to identify any leaks or blockages and fix issues with air ducts. Sealing leaks with duct mastic or metal-backed tape can prevent air loss, while professional cleaning services can remove blockages caused by dirt and debris. Suitable materials and proper application must be used to prevent future problems and to seal ductwork effectively.