Understanding the Basics: A Guide to How Crypto Futures Work

Crypto futures are derivative agreements that enable traders to speculate on the future prices of cryptocurrencies without actually owning them. Traders can make profits from both upward and downward price movements by taking long or short positions. Here’s a guide to help you understand the basics of cryptocurrency futures:

What is Trading Futures in Crypto?

Crypto futures are contracts that specify the buying or selling of a particular asset on a future date at a predetermined price. These agreements are standardized and traded on specialized crypto exchanges. Traders use them to manage risks or speculate on the price movements of cryptos.

Long and Short Positions

To understand what is futures trading in crypto, we should understand how it works. Traders can take a long or short position in futures:

  1. Going long is when traders aim to profit from an anticipated increase in the value of the cryptocurrency. They buy futures contracts at a lower price, hoping to sell them later at a higher price.
  2. Going short involves speculating on a decrease in the value of the cryptocurrency. Traders sell futures contracts they don’t own, intending to buy them back later at a lower price to make a profit.

Margin Trading and Leverage

Crypto futures frequently involve margin trading, which allows traders to control more significant positions with a smaller amount of capital. Leverage is a key concept in margin trading, representing the multiplication of a trader’s initial investment. How to trade futures crypto? Here is an example: if a trader uses 10x leverage, their position size is ten times larger than their actual capital. While leverage amplifies potential profits, it also magnifies losses, so traders should exercise caution.

Expiry and Rollover

Crypto futures contracts have a specific expiry date. Before the contract expires, traders can close their positions or roll them over to a new contract. Rollover involves closing the existing contract and opening a new one with a similar expiration date but potentially at a different price.

Risk Management:

Risk management is critical in crypto futures trading due to the inherent volatility of assets. Traders should set clear entry and exit points, establish stop-loss orders to limit losses and consider risk-reward ratios before entering a trade. Additionally, traders should stay updated on market news and analysis to make informed decisions.

Market Factors

Various market factors influence the price of crypto futures. These include supply and demand dynamics, overall market sentiment, regulatory developments, technological advancements, and macroeconomic factors. Traders should consider these factors and conduct a thorough analysis to make informed trading decisions.

The best way to comprehend crypto futures trading for beginners is by trying a demo account. For instance, you may open demo coins on the WhiteBIT crypto exchange and work with demo tokens to see how futures work.