JJ McGuigan Releases ‘Disconnected’

Reviewed by: Lee Callaghan
Evolution Music Press
February 12, 2023

The latest single; Disconnected from indie-rocker JJ McGuigan, is gaining traction on streaming. Since its release in late 2022 this invigorating, captivating rock-anthem-like track has amassed tens of thousands of listeners. And rightfully so. This straight-up rock jam features a tight intricate groove that maintains momentum as the track develops its main theme of destiny and the push to stand up for one’s own values. “Does this remind you of anyone, does it bring back memories, are you the one who wrote this, are you fighting this, fighting this?” Sure this offering appears on the surface to be a simple theme of relationships and breakups, however, with multiple listens we are pulled deeper into JJ McGuigan’s madness as he carefully crafts deeper metaphors and presents a more existential approach to these elemental aspects of human connection. With the expressive articulation of his vocals, JJ McGuigan is able to highlight and bookend each of these thoughts with a release of tension that leaves the audience engulfed in this theme. Of course, this brings a high entertainment value to the track as well, a sing-along response the listener can grab onto and fully appreciate this songwriter’s contribution to the genre. Disconnected is a study therefore of the disconnection we feel for each other and our surroundings as we fight against the inevitable.

The production value of Disconnected is highly professional and mature. Each frequency is allowed its own room to breathe within the listening spectrum while remaining blended to hold that tight groove which elicits the dance-along aspect of the highly commercial blend of Rock and Pop stylings. Disconnected therefore would play well on any Rock, Alternative, or Top 40 commercial radio playlist. The defined chorus section leaves a lasting impact on the listener, a replayable and infectious melody with effective instrumentation. Disconnected is a very enjoyable track, easy to get caught up in the deeper meanings, yet simple enough to be entertaining and just fun to listen to. As the streaming numbers continue to grow, and the industry takes notice of this highly effective songwriter, great things are in store for JJ McGuigan, and I look forward to following the development of his career, and eagerly await a follow-up single to Disconnected.