6 Things to Consider Before Opening Your Start-Up’s First Office

Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/E7Tzh2TTS6c

You have finally decided to start a business of your own and bring your precious idea you may have had for a while, to life! This is incredible news, and we couldn’t be prouder. But the work is far from over.

In fact, as an entrepreneur and business owner, your work is never finished, and chances are, if you have successfully laid the foundation and started a business, you already know this. From planning budgets, making sure there is cash flow in the business to allow for future investments, planning strategies to develop the business further, to building a solid team and maintaining the level of motivation and productivity – these are all responsibilities of an entrepreneur and business and team leader. So, it is of the utmost importance to be involved in all business activities in one way or another, from the moment you launch your business and even before that when it’s all about thorough research and preparation.

Also, glass balustrades are a trending option for your office that makes your office interior more attractive.

Whether you want to conduct a business using the hybrid work practice or the traditional, on-site method, you will still need an office space. This is where the magic happens, apart from the online environment, which has become so increasingly vital to the growth of a business. 

For this reason, it is crucial to find a space that can accommodate all your business needs. This means enough room for all the vital departments that may need an on-site space, with computer software, hardware and accessories, and any other equipment and digital devices necessary. So, thinking about how to arrange the furniture appropriately for everything is a task itself. Plus, you may also want to have a reception so that any business meetings and appointments can effectively go through. 

This being said, there is no doubt that an office can be a necessary thing for your business – it is the place where you can build and strengthen your work relationships. But this undoubtedly brings a significant expense, and it is of the utmost importance to plan it well beforehand. And you should allocate enough time for this particular business development to ensure everything fits into place perfectly, especially if this is the first time you are planning something on this scale.

For this reason, here are six things you should take into consideration before opening your start-up’s first office:

  • Be Clear About Your Business’ Needs

First things first. What does your business truly need? And why is a physical space necessary for your business growth? Answering these questions is vital to know what type of office space to create and how to do that. It is crucial to be clear from the beginning the reason this is needed for your start-up, and whether you want to encourage office work, you want a place where you can meet with clients and customers, as it may be the case of a showroom and concept store for a clothing brand.

Therefore, you must know your expectations from the very start and have a clear idea of why your start-up should also have an office and physical space. This will help you find a location that suits the business needs and is ideal for everything you plan on doing with the business in the near future. 

  • Choose A Suitable Location

Location, location, location. This is what every professional real estate agency has taught everyone, regardless if they need a place for personal or commercial purposes. Following the example given earlier, if you have a clothing business or any type of brand that sells goods and products to its customers, opening a space in an ideal geographical location is crucial. This way, your clients, partners and customers can easily reach it. 

If your business purpose, focus and plans are different, you should opt to open your start-up’s first office in a commercial and business district. No matter your company’s direction, the important thing is to align it with what it needs and, therefore, find a location in line with that. 

  • Create A Budget and Try Sticking to It

It almost goes without saying – but it is worth mentioning nonetheless – that creating a budget is a must. Opening an office implies a great expense, so it is vital to ensure the business can support this project and move, both logistically and financially. 

So, before starting moving everything in the first office place you see, it is crucial to determine your budget and ensure you can afford to set up an office and organize this move.

  • Plan Your Office Space Design

This is the fun part. After choosing a suitable office space, you can start designing it and bringing it to life. This evidently should showcase your brand’s image and identity, as consistency is essential. the design of the office can be pretty costly, which is why it is so important for you to plan a budget carefully. You may need to do various upgrades like buying new furniture or  choosing the right commercial bathroom stalls for your office. Chances are, you want your start-up’s first office space to look excellent and be a high-quality project, so you should only commit to it if you know for certain the project can be accomplished.

  • Do Not Forget About Health and Safety

Once the design of the office space has been decided, it is of the utmost importance to ensure it adheres to health and safety regulations. This means making sure that your employees and the space itself promote a hazard-free and safe work environment. It is quite known that slip, trip and fall accidents in the workplace can happen frequently. 

For this reason, you should make sure the risk of such an accident is significantly reduced. In case it still happens, despite the health and safety regulations in place, it is essential and noteworthy to mention that your employees are entitled to claim compensation for a personal injury they suffered at work, which happened to no fault of their own. 

  • Plan Carefully the Actual Move

Everything is ready to go, so the only thing remaining is the actual move. This also needs careful planning, given that your business activities won’t – and shouldn’t – stop until the move is completed. 

For this reason, it is crucial to mind your employees and make this transition as seamless as possible for everyone. Working from home is an effective way of keeping the business running while the office space is set up. During this, you can focus on arranging everything and taking care of the final details, from connecting all the services, equipment and digital tools to announcing the date of the move.