Crypto mining tricks by Ian Mausner

The crypto world is emerging and gaining popularity among people. But what is crypto mining, or better yet, cryptocurrency mining? It is the procedure through which transactions of various cryptocurrency forms are authenticated and further attached to the virtual register of blockchain—terms like altcoin mining, Bitcoin mining, or crypto coin mining used for the process. Ian Mausner mentions that the mining process has risen as a discussion of interest and essential activity. It is owing to the increase in popularity and usage of cryptocurrency in the past few years.

Cryptocurrency mining and the mechanism behind it

Along with the procedure of crypto coin mining, there are voluntarily participating coders, also known as crypto miners, competing to find solutions to complex mathematical problems. They solve the issues by utilizing highly geared computers. Each math problem consists of a cryptographic hash algorithm that gets linked along a block equipped with transaction data of a cryptocurrency.

Ian Mausner points out that any crypto miner who can solve the problem first wins the authority to the transaction, and as payment for provided services, voluntary crypto miners are given cryptocurrencies in small amounts. Once the mathematical problem is solved, the crypto miner authenticates the transaction data and attaches it to the blockchain public ledger.

Profitability in Cryptocurrency mining, a myth?

When cryptocurrency was relatively new, crypto mining was considered a lucrative activity initially, says Ian Mausner. Especially with bitcoin, back in 2009, the first mined bitcoin came along with 50 bitcoins as a reward. And if converted, it was worth an estimate of USD 6000. The energy and computing resources needed to mine a single crypto coin were majorly less than in recent times, so voluntary coders got the opportunity to pocket a hefty amount as profit.

Currently, the bitcoin protocol determines that the earned bitcoin reward has only a half-life for crypto mining, which is four years. Therefore, the gain for a single mined crypto coin is approximately six bitcoins. Even though crypto-mining rewards have been reduced, the worth of a single bitcoin has sky-rocketed appreciably. As a point of fact, the price of a single bitcoin in April 2021 was estimated at 333,000 US dollars.

In comparison, crypto mining rates have climbed up drastically. Only the hardware tools can cost hundreds or thousands of American dollars, and if you add electricity costs, it becomes further weighted. The complete expenses of the energy consumed while crypto mining varies according to the voluntary coder’s location and kind of hardware tool. It means that the profit earned through crypto-coin mining is also likely to go up; however, under usual circumstances, the expenses are covered by the revenue brought by crypto-coin mining.

Becoming a pro at Crypto coin mining

Apart from highly geared computers, voluntary coders also need a crypto wallet and a presence in a mining pool, which will further help miners maximize their lucrative gains. Mining pools are miners groups who merge their tools and resources, resulting in more mined coins. The reward generated from crypto coin mining gets equally distributed among members.