4 Steps to Prep Your Office to Be Painted and What to Discuss With the Painters

How an office space looks can, many times, affect the mood of the person working within it. That is why so many managers, executives, and even stay-at-home workers will invest in at least painting or re-painting their office space to ensure that they feel good working long hours in it. But before you invest your hard-earned money and time, here are four steps you should follow to make sure your office is prepared for painting and what you should discuss with your painters beforehand.

Figure out Your Budget

Although most office spaces tend not to be too big, a professional painting service can be quite costly if you don’t plan for it properly. That is why it is so important to determine what type of paint job you want and need. Does your office simply need a touch-up, or do you want to fully repaint the space and even add some design to it? Last minute jobs also cost a lot more than those planned in advance, so don’t wait to get your estimates.

Research and Hire Painters

In a world where video calls are common, it’s highly likely that your office is going to be seen by multiple people. That is why having the right painting crew is critical to see a great final result. Therefore, the next step on the list is to make sure you are researching your painting crew thoroughly. Some of the credentials you want to ensure they have an active business license, insurance, and experience with commercial painting projects.

Choose Your Color(s)

Once you’ve chosen your preferred painters, it is now time to choose your color(s). This step is going to be different for everyone as not everyone likes the same colors or design. However, there are a couple of things you should keep in mind during this step. For example, unless you’re going to replace all your office furniture, choosing a color that matches its aesthetics is best. Lastly, you want to make absolutely sure that you are being provided with a bunch of samples. As many of you may know, colors can in a variety of shades, and therefore you want to make sure that you are being presented with every option possible.

Remove or Cover all of Your Furniture

Although painting crews will try their best to cover your furniture, it’s simply best to remove the majority of it prior to their arrival. This will allow you to avoid ruining them, and it can also be a great opportunity to re-think the layout of your office once the job is done. Of course, some furniture, such as large tables, are just best left in place. In these instances, make sure to add your own coverings to them rather than rely on the plastic covers provided by the painting company to ensure there are no tears that can expose the inside.

As you can see from the steps above, there is some work to do before the painting actually begins. Utilize the information above to help you start this project on the right foot. While repainting your office can be exciting, you don’t want to go in blind.