Rev Peter Unger New Single “Through the Generations”

Rev Peter Unger lets a glowing, reflective stance run through the entirety of “Through the Generations”. His distinctive voice carries the weight of the song, for there is something quite comfortable about his delivery. Lyrics focus upon the history that everyone shares in a sense, for the way that generations have come up to build upon each other’s accomplishments feels undoubtedly grand to behold. The guitar work has a gracefulness to it, restrained and with refined gestures further adding to the peaceful aspect of the work.

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The beginning of the piece features a hushed reverence for the past, in a way that sets the tone for what follows. A natural rhythm takes hold over the piece, for there is a great deal of geography implied within the piece itself. Quite thoughtfully done, the spaciousness lends itself well to the sense of distance so many have traveled to end up in this very moment, not only in terms of actual space but in time as well. Families, generations take years to perfect to get up to the present day, and his detailed lyricism has a gentle cadence to it. Over the course of the work things evolve, like a family, and do so in a way that is befitting of his kind tender message.

“Through the Generations” embraces a tasteful, elegant stance one that shows Rev Peter Unger to be skilled at exploring one’s very roots in a way that feels joyous.