The History and a Basic Guide to Playing Scrabble

Scrabble originated in what way, why, when, and where. The question, “What would these characters spell?” was not always a priority for individuals. The game we know and love was created by a few ingenious people in New York during the 1930s and 1940s. 

Check out for more information on scrabble. Here is a quick rundown of Scrabble history:

  • The 1930s: During the Great Depression, an impoverished architect called Alfred Mosher Butts from Poughkeepsie, New York, began creating Scrabble, something that he proclaimed as a mixture of a board game, a numerical game, and a crossword.

According to folklore, he picked the game’s tile periodicity and values by counting the characters on The New York Times’ front page. Contrarily, it is also believed that he disliked spelling.

  • 1948: Butts entrusted the reigns to a New Yorker called James Brunot to mass-produce the game after marketing it as “Lexiko” and subsequently as “Criss-Cross Words.” Brunot created a new color palette and the now-famous moniker “Scrabble.” This year, the game was trademarked.
  • 1949: In Dodgington, Connecticut, Brunot, and his family rented a derelict convent to hand-produce the game. According to reports, they made sets but also suffered a loss.
  • The 1950s: Scrabble became extremely popular after Macy’s executive Jack Straus encountered the game while on holidays and decided to sell it in his stores. The Selchow & Righter Company was granted the rights to produce the game in 1952. Some restrictions, such as parallel words and premium square effects, were also clarified in 1953.
  • The 1970s: The very first tournaments were held, albeit unofficially, in 1973. The rules were revised once more in 1976 to clarify who goes first, whether one player can skip their turn and the winning percentage. The North American Invitational hosted its first public event in 1978.
  • The 1980s: Scrabble had become a television show on NBC in 1984, and it ran until 1990. COLECO Companies acquired Selchow & Righter in 1986. Hasbro Inc., the current owner of COLECO Industries, acquired the company and its games in1989.
  • The 1990s: The World Scrabble Championship (WSC) was founded in 1991. There was yet another critical rule modification in 1999, this time clarifying several of the challenges’ rules.
  • The early 2000s: The very first State Education Scrabble Championship was held in Boston in 2003. The National Toy Hall of Fame admitted the game in 2004. Words With Friends, a rival online game, was released in 2009 and became an instant hit.

Simple Scrabble Rules to Remember 

The standard Scrabble rules are surprising in their simplicity. However, do not be mislead as it is deceptively complicated, with specific champions league or tournament regulations and a variety of unique home rules. 

Two to four players are required for the classic board game. Here are several fundamental rules for playing Scrabble:

  • What are the words that are officially permitted?

There is a dictionary that has been approved. Before the game starts, it is a good idea to decide on a vocabulary.

  • Which terms are prohibited?

Foreign terms not found in state language dictionaries, acronyms, suffixes, prefixes, hyphenated terms, any term needing an apostrophe, and proper nouns are all prohibited or words ordinarily requiring a capital letter.

  • What Scrabble character is the most valuable?

Q and Z are the highest-scoring letters in Scrabble, both receiving ten points. The rest of the letters are ranked in terms of Scrabble points as follows:

  • Q and Z are worth ten points each.
  • J and X give 8 points each.
  • K gets 5 points.
  • F, H, V, W, and Y have four points.
  • B, C, M, and P own three points.
  • D and G both get two points.
  • A, E, I, L, N, U, R, S, T, and O are worth 1 point.
  • Can you build two terms in Scrabble?

When laying new tiles, you should only place them in one orientation and the same row or column-like how you started. In one round, you can insert characters both before and after an existing word, but they must all go in the same manner to form a single word.

However, can you add to a word in Scrabble and end up with more than one term? Yes, you certainly can; the technique is known as “hooking” or “parallel words.” You may even be capable of completing and scoring points for more than two words if you use parallel words. In Scrabble, there are three primary ways to make new vocabulary:

  • A word that has already been written on the board can be expanded by adding more characters.
  • You can make a right-angle word by utilizing one of the letters still on the board or adding a letter to a word already existing.
  • As long as the surrounding letters all form whole words, you can place an entire word parallel to a word on the board.
  • Who comes first in conventional Scrabble? 

After settling on a thesaurus and any applicable regulations, each player pulls one tile from the bag. The participant with the alphabet closest to “A” goes first; the player to that individual’s left is the second player. After that, reassemble the characters in the pouch and jumble them up.

After that, each player chooses seven characters to put on their column. The first player must write a term that crosses the center square on the board. Scrabble begins in this manner. Then, before the game transfers to the next player, they should sum up their score and select tiles to replace the old ones they played.

  • What happens at the end of the game?

It is not uncommon for people to be perplexed about how Scrabble concludes. When all initials have been pulled, and one of the players has used their last character, the game is over.

When Scrabble is concluded, participants can recheck their scores, paying close attention to the rewards on the grid, and then they should subtract the values of their unplayed tiles from their total. If a player has an empty rack at the end of the session, the value of everyone else’s unplayed letters should be added to their scoring. The longest winning streak then determines the game’s winner.

  • What could you do when you are playing Scrabble, and you cannot go?

According to the official rules, you can skip your turn and then use it to trade “all, some, or none” of your letters. Since this can slow down games, some people’s house policy allows for an online Scrabble word generator in exchange for a point penalty.