How Technology Helps Writing a Paper

If one imagines the old times when people had to go to the libraries and use paper and pen to write the lengthy content, one can imagine the difficulties faced by old people. They did not have any significant thing that could be a writing helper. We are lucky to be alive in the era of throbbing technology. We have plenty of tools to choose from when we are about to write something. Let’s say our tasks have become a cakewalk, aren’t they? We are going to have a quick overview of the technology that comes in handy as paper writing helper.

1- Authoring Software:

When a writer opts to write his/her piece, Microsoft Word is the very first tool he/she thinks of. This software provides a variety of writing-friendly options. It offers elegant layout options and font styles. One can design ones’ page and even provide appropriate references easily. Inadvertently, this software has become the go-to choice among other paper writing helpers.

Every windows user is familiar with this most common built-in text editing software in windows. One can write even the simplest content like License Agreement and Read me files. This is particularly useful when writing does not demand flashy content.

2- Searching Software:

Chrome is the most popular search software across the globe. Its search optimization and tab handling are the best. It provides access to other Goggle-linked facilities such as Drive and Docs, making it the first choice for browsing.

Opera is not only the best for its functioning but it is also aesthetically pleasing. It has page restoration capability that does not allow searches to be lost.

3- Spelling Checking Software:

Undoubtedly, Grammarly is the most amicable paper writer helper. It is a free proof-reader that checks for omissions and errors. It runs freely on any computer and offers unlimited trials. You can add it as an extension to your browser for free. A writer can blindly follow its recommendations but for particular terminologies, it has the option of adding a specific word to the dictionary. This narrows the chance of marking that term as the error in the future.

4- Plagiarism Checking Software:

Plagiarism is the obstruction in the way to provide quality content. With a lot of available data, there is a fat chance of similarities and matching. But one can remove it by detecting it. Following plagiarism tools can be used in this regard.

Dupli Checker is a free and easily accessible plagiarism detector. It is quite an authentic one and one can put ones trust in detecting plagiarism. It gives the percentage of plagiarized content along with highlighted points.

The widely accepted software all around the world by academics and companies alike. It is admired for its efficacy in detecting plagiarism.

5- Publishing Software:

This software allows a writer to publish his/her document online. It is widely used by authors because of its different formats and ease of access.

If you are a writer, striving for flawless work, feel free to use these paper writing helpers that will make your writing perfect.