Essential tips for a freshman: choosing the right strategy in the studies

“I am a student!”you are proud to say about the new status. This means that life will change. The main difference between the coming weekdays and school days is more freedom, self-discipline, personal responsibility for the result. What does a freshman of a university and a college need to know so that disappointment does not come and the adaptation goes quickly? Not so much, and this is not a Newton binomial. Judge for yourself.

Yesterday’s applicants will have a new daily routine, lectures, colloquia, seminars, mountains of lecture notes, painstaking work in the library (yes, not everything can be found online), a student’s credit book instead of an assignment book, examination period, and simply a different environment. How should a freshman behave in order to choose the right strategy in the studies? Now, first things first.

1. Get familiar with the rules and traditions of the institution, and just follow them.

2. Focus on your studies starting on day one.

3. Master time management.

4. Take additional college courses.

5. Build a social circle by attending sports and creative events and participating in team projects.

6. Develop public speaking skills.

7. Make acquaintances with students from related departments.

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6 tips for college students for quick adaptation

“He who has information, may have everything” (N. Rothschild, founder of the banking dynasty).

The statement is relevant, including in relation to what a freshman of a university needs to know.

First steps in an alma mater:

  • get to know the location of departments, classrooms, administration, class schedules, information for freshmen. This will help you navigate the environment like a fish in water, not be late for classes;
  • get involved in the learning process from day one, do your assignments on time. Teachers do not remind about deadlines, control is the responsibility of the student himself;
  • do not miss classes. In case of force majeure, rewrite the lectures;
  • learn to quickly take notes on materials, write down the main thoughts in the form of lecture notes;
  • participate in seminars, make reports or review. Teachers value initiative. They can put an “automatic” (test or exam without oral or written questioning), accrue rating points that will be taken into account when assigning an increased scholarship;
  • prepare for the session in advance. It is impossible to learn a hundred tickets in 2-3 days;
  • do not take student “horror stories” about how difficult it is to turn in a paper. Often these are subjective opinions that undermine self-confidence;
  • learn to work with information: conduct deep data analysis, study primary sources. A competent work organization frees up time for personal life.

Work done, or Time management for a student

There is an opinion that 10% of the time spent on planning a task will save 90% of the time for its implementation.

8 principles of self-organization of the day of a first-year student of a university or college:

1. Make a To do list – a plan for the day, week, year.

2. Record events in your diary, smartphone mobile application.

3. Prioritize by prioritizing things to do.

4. Do several things at the same time if they don’t require concentration. For example, listen to an audiobook while making dinner.

5. Eliminate the time wasters: surfing on social media, idle talk, etc.

6. Take a flexible approach to situations.

7. The meeting failed, use a couple of hours for self-development.

8. Leave the house 10-15 minutes earlier so as not to be late and not get lost. Sleep at least 8 hours.

Get acquainted with useful time management tools – “Eisenhower Matrix”, “Gantt Chart”, SMART method in training, webinars, in books on personal effectiveness.

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Opening Career Prospects

Passing an exam and getting good grades is a must-have for a student. Think big, because the global goal of learning is to become a professional and find a dream job. Use college and university as a launching pad for life. The skills of self-organization, creative thinking, and teamwork help build a career. They are formed in practice.

Find out what additional educational programs the institution offers. Sign up for electives, join scientific communities. Ask about the opportunity to do an internship or in a company in your field. Work on a professional portfolio from your first courses.

Define a goal, do not deviate from it for the next 4-5 years. Motivation helps you overcome obstacles, do more than is expected of you. Learning from a sense of duty is less effective.

Follow your image on social networks, respect your own and others’ personal space. The prospective employer can get acquainted with the profile of the candidate for the position.

What a first year student needs to know in order to quickly integrate into a new environment

The school environment is often shaped by geography, the student’s by interests. Networking (social and professional activity for solving problems at the expense of a circle of friends) is a tool for creating a successful present and future.

Build your reputation. Punctuality, responsibility, active participation in the life of the alma mater bring dividends in the form of authority among fellow students and teachers.

Tips for freshmen from senior students

Recommendations from senior students are as follows:

  • studying at a university or college is a whirlpool of events. The initial setting of priorities, their regular analysis helps to stay on course. No need to grab onto all the sentences at once, master student life piece by piece;
  • find your own rhythm in your studies;
  • when you want to give up, motivate yourself, enlist the support of fellow students;
  • don’t skip classes, take them seriously. Invest more time and effort into mastering disciplines that are not easy;
  • join the school community on social networks;
  • participate in student life, because it will not happen again.

Studentship is a fun time, but at the same time it is an opportunity to prove yourself professionally, to develop a reputation. Hard work, personal efficiency, initiative, communication skills will be of great help to the freshman. Let alone custom paper writing services online. Orders of any type of a college assignment are available. So, you don’t have to worry about whether it is an essay or some research papers, experts will take care of it. Pay attention to such an option of assistance. That is not a writer you buy or not a bunch of writers, but a great deal of experience and a spider work.