Planning to Move Your Band to a New City?

As a member of a band, you may find your circumstances changing from time to time. This may include moving from your current location to a new city. Here are some things to keep in mind prior to moving so that the moving process goes smoothly.

Moving to a New City

Moving to a new city can be a traumatic experience. You are not going to know anyone, and you will be leaving your old life behind.  Your band will have to make new friends and Forge relationships in the new city. You may feel a lot of stress at this time, so it is important to take a step back and distress prior to your move. You should not do everything all at once. You can help each other pack and do it in stages, so you are not overwhelmed with the move.

Moving Companies

You should investigate several moving companies to ensure that you have the right company to meet your needs. You may have a lot of equipment in gear that you need to move. You want this company to secure this gear for you. This will probably include expensive instruments, so you will want to make sure that the company is capable of carrying in this equipment to the new location. Check to see if they offer any type of coverage for you in case something goes wrong with the move. You do not want anything to happen to your delicate equipment. 


Before you move, make an itemized list of everything that you want to take with you. There might be things that you do not need anymore. For example, you may have some old instruments that the band members do not play anymore. Perhaps you could take these and put them into a yard sale or go to a local music store and see if you can trade them in for a bit of cash.  Have a look at your list and then cross off everything that you do not need. Try to put things in appropriate boxes and label those boxes, so it is easier to put things away when you get established in your new place. 

Getting Established in the City

Getting your band established in a new city can take time. You will want to connect with the locals there. Have a look at your band website and see where you can make improvements in terms of search engine optimization. You will want to optimize for the local area. In Toronto, for example, you may want to work with a SEO company Toronto service to help you maximize your keywords for your website. This is where they can tailor your site for the new city, so it shows up in the Google listings. This makes it easier for people to find your band in the local area and to connect with you.

Take Time Off after the Move

You will want to unwind after you have finished moving.  Your move will put a lot of stress on you, so you should take some time off before you get back to your regular work or start gigging again. Click here for more information about things you can do during your spare time when you are not involved with your band. You could plan a camping trip or some other event where the band can bond and talk about their lives in the new city.


Moving your band to a new city does not have to be a difficult process. Have a look at the various moving companies before you make the move to ensure that they can carry all of your equipment. Time off once you get to the new city and then get back to your regular routine as a band.