Today we get to chat with a true country musician, Richard Lynch as he prepares for the Thanksgiving holiday in Kentucky. He is an authentic country artist and lets everyone know it. Richard released his third studio album on April 1st, on Fence Row Records and he is already climbing the major radio charts. “Mending Fences” is an incredible 12 track project of pure country music. Join us today as we go 5 Questions with Richard Lynch.

Skope: Where are we talking from today and what are your holiday plans?

I am talking from Waynesville, OH and our Thanksgiving plans are to eat Turkey with my wife’s family in No Kentucky.

Skope: As we enter a new year what are you most proud of doing in 2017 and hope to achieve in 2018?

Most proud of putting it my latest cd, “Mending Fences” which has some awesome Traditional Country music.

To continue to bring real traditional country music to wherever I can.

Skope: What is your main project(s) you are promoting and got any links we can take a listen?

The “Mending Fences” album:

Skope: When you consume music what is your preferred method such as CD, Youtube, Pandora, etc?

Good true country radio, when I can find it.

Skope: When you are not making or promoting music what else do you have going on?

Restoring an old barn currently, and farming, and Auctioneer, with my wife helping me!

Skope: What is coming up for you & where can we follow you online?

Big New Years Eve show with Michael Twitty in my hometown, a Texas tour in January, with a cruise performance. And a new radio show and TV show: “Traditionally Lynch.”
