If you are searching for a different right of center sound, the band CURTA is the ticket. The band’s name derives from a mechanical calculator whose creator was forced to make them for the Furher, during the war. His creative invention would die with him and be replaced by electronic calculators. It is an odd name for the band to take on but it seems to fit. They are just as innovative and creative as the inventor.

Their style of music is hypnotic and has an observational nature to it. The band (Jake Danna & Brent Larsen) take notice of how people react to their music and build on that feedback. They always try to progress beyond the last project and strive to create something even better. They took part in The Bread & Circus tour which was held last summer. The band drove thousands of miles around the Midwest playing shows every night. It was a great learning experience and helped them hone their skills even more. It is important to note that the band does all its production and mixing themselves.

“4 Digit does all of the mixing and I just sit there and talk to him about it while it’s happening. Sometimes I’ll say we should try to make the song melt away or have a pretty thing happen here. Basically he is very technical and I am very dumb but imaginative. Our albums are the middle grounds of an awkward kiss. “

Their new album “Click Bait” we are told by the band is a better show of their talents. They spent a lot of time editing it to perfection. The band’s influences range from Coil to Pavement & Saul Williams. CURTA has an original sound rarely heard as it breaks all kinds of boundaries of musical logic. This new album is a step forward to their previous work “Broken Machines” and “Replica”.

The band is currently in Europe doing a run of a few shows. They plan on releasing new videos and new tracks for 2017. At the moment they are happy with the success of “Click Bait” and are looking to build on it with every show they take on.


by Nick Christophers