Pilot Touhill, Keeping Secrets


Pilot Touhill’s latest release, “Keeping Secrets” is a secret that needs to be shared with the world. This reggae, pop rock and soul fusion is a feel good attention grabber. The CD is contagious and addicting. Once it starts playing it takes over your emotions and forces an uncontrollable smile.

Touhill has a Maroon 5 vibe with a solid foundation of professionalism and perfection. It is a top notch production that’s a musical roller coaster; soothing and rising in all the right places. His vocals are icing on the cake, executing well written ditties that are simply delightful.

He opens with, Never Come Down as it spills from the speakers and coats the soul with a zesty rhythm. The hooky lyrics are wrapped in a neat package that teases your senses leaving you begging for more. It ends on the title track which oozes sex appeal and catapults Pilot Touhill to rock star status. Each note has a life of its own and comes together creating perfect prosody. Every song lifts your spirits above the clouds and his star shines brighter than the sun.  

Pilot Touhill’s, “Keeping Secrets” is an irresistible hit from beginning to end. It is a refreshing change of pace from the everyday mundane. I feel strongly that bands like this are redefining music one song at a time. The record labels need to take notice and get on board. Music is becoming more diverse and reflective. Touhill is effectively straying from the popular norm, by recreating pop as we know it.


Rating: 5/5

Rebecca Hosking – hoskingrebecca@gmail.com

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