noise, Divided

When traversing the globe in seek of great music, one does not stumble into Iceland too often. This is not the case today, as the music of alternative rock band noise has jumped into the spotlight. The recently released “Divided” offers a new look into what the alternative rock genre has to offer. Lending a much harder edge to the blazing guitars of Einar Vilberg and Stefan Vilberg than what has typically been classified as “alternative rock”. Maybe dubbing the music of noise as alternative metal. No matter the classification of genre, the music of noise has definitely arrived on the music scene to much acclaim.

The first track, “A Stab in the Dark” starts off with licks that seem pretty basic in alternative rock, until the drums come in and the crossover happens to bring a much heavier feel. Catching the listener a little off guard, but in all the ways that are good in music. With a great guitar solo at the 2:07 mark of the track by Einar, who also does the vocals for noise, the whole song screams out to be seen in live performance. Being beat and bass driven by the skins of Thorvaldur and bass of Stefan Vilberg, the track is just one level of great music offered on this ten track LP.

On the second track, “Voice Inside”, the band come right in blazing with the heavy guitars and beat to keep the metal appeal blasting through the listeners ears. The feeling behind the vocals deliver to give you the full body mind and spirit of the lyrical content. As with every track on “Divided”, the song writing is masterful and is delivered by Einar with emotion driven ranges that make you not just jam out to the music, but feel the story being told by noise. Storied lyrics seem to be a growing trend among rock artists as of late, and noise have definitely mastered this very cherished aspect of their music. Offering more than just mindless words played to heavy licks and hooks. Rather actually having some meaning behind the music that the band represents.

On the title track, “Divided”, whether intended or not, you can hear an almost tribute to a very famous lick in the 80’s hair metal realm. The main lick rhythm sounds eerily close to Motley Crue “Looks That Kill”, with maybe one bar changed. It makes the listener feel as though the track is somehow familiar, yet even if never hearing the song before. A great touch, whether intended or not, to an already well liked LP.

As a whole, the “Divided” LP is very enjoyable and represents the sound and feel that noise is offering to the music world. The production of the LP is solid and shows the versatility of the band, as they are an Independent band with brothers Einar and Stefan listed as sole producers. Not surprisingly the band was named Sunset Island Music Band of the Week and has quickly risen up the charts ever since. With much acclaim from many within the industry in many different countries, the music of noise has not just put them on the map, but shined a musical light on Iceland itself.

noise Links:

By L. White

[Rating: 4/5]

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