Switch on indie rock quintet, Ex Norwegian’s latest video, “Jet Lag” and it’s like stepping into a time machine back to 1991. The look of the video, which features live concert footage mixed in with scenes shot in front-man Roger Houdaille’s apartment, would be right at home on 120 minutes, back in the heyday of MTV. The song, too, with its buzzing bass and sneering vocals, fits in quite well with the resurgence of love for the decade of grunge. Flavia Molinari directed the video.

[youtube mj0j35gMm9U nolink]

Ex Norwegian takes their name from a Monty Python routine about a dead parrot and while the tunes head Norwegian Roger Houdaille writes have humorous moments, this is a serious band. “I like to say we play art-rock, because there’s a lot of things happening in the music,” Houdaille says. “The songs tend to be in odd keys, with varying tempos and arrangements that go off in all directions. The lyrics are abstract, or dense, or talking about conspiracies, or ways to improve the world – and girls with moustaches. We’re all over the place.”

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