New Haven, musician Jonny Rodgers (Mighty Purple, Ten Shekel Shirt) is a good friend of mine and is neither a client, nor paying for me to send out this email. In fact, I just saw this video for the first time about an hour ago and had to share one of the most exciting talents that I know.

[vimeo 21410115 nolink]

The video was recorded live in one take during a documentary shoot last October. Jonny and filmmaker Kevin Kelley of Shoot Shoot Studios were travelling along the Connecticut coast filming in abandoned greenhouses when they had to seek shelter from a storm in this coastal pergola. On a whim, before heading home, they decided to record this version of Jonny’s song “Swung on a Swing” with acoustic guitar, wine glasses, and pedals. It’s one take, no visual effects or trick shots. It’s gorgeous.

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