New Single ‘Christmas in the Desert’ by Miguel Estrada / Wounded Warriors

Miguel Estrada has been writing songs since he was very young, mostly romantic compositions. As a child in Panama he would carry around a small tape recorder so whenever a nice melody came to his mind, he could save it. He was one of 12 children, growing up poor and working on a local farm to get food on the table.

Miguel always read about the United States and it sounded like such a wonderful place where people could work hard, build a nice life and have freedom. He was moved by the hard work and sacrifice U.S. Military members did to protect American citizens. Miguel knew that he would find a way to move to the States and he achieved that dream when he was 12 years old.

Miguel’s most recent composition, CHRISTMAS IN THE DESERT, is dedicated to our brave troops stationed around the world protecting the United States and unable to be home for Christmas this year. Some people take freedom for granted, but Miguel realizes the gift that being free truly is.

Miguel strongly believes that he owes thanks and respect to our service men and women who are making the ultimate sacrifice; people willing to fall so that others may stand. He appreciates their dedication and wanted to write a song to show his respect and thanks.

Miguel – “By downloading/buying the song, people will be supporting our troops, since a percentage of the sales will go to the Disable Vets organization Wounded Warriors project and other similar organizations.”