Things to Do After Moving

Moving to a new area can give you an uneasy feeling. You can feel you do not want to do anything once you move to a new city. It is even more challenging if you do not know where to start after moving. 

Whether it was a DIY move or you had engaged NYC movers, there are some things you have to handle on your own. For instance, changing your address is an important task you need to do before or after moving to a new place. 

Knowing what to do and where to start after moving will ensure you have a smooth time adapting to the new place. Below are important things you need to do after moving. 

Essential Things to do after moving

  1. Unpacking the boxes

Just like packing your belongings for the move, you need to unpack the many boxes after moving. Happily, unpacking is not as urgent as packing. This is because you can stretch the task to complete it later. 

Unpacking is time-consuming. So you should not underestimate the task. Nevertheless, you do not have a deadline like packing. You can work at your own time and at your own pace. 

  1. Understand the new place

Your new place is unfamiliar to you. Hence, it is vital to try to understand the new place as much as possible. For instance, you need to go around the house to look for signs of infestation, damages, leaks, and other issues. 

  1. Change of address

Whether you have just moved locally or are long-distance, changing your postal address is very important. This is because your postal address will change once you move to a new home. 

And unless you change the address soon after relocating, your mails will be sent to the old postal address. Hence, the task of changing your address should not be left for a later date. 

Happily, it is not a challenging task to change the postal address. You can decide to talk a walk to the postal office or update your details online. Even though it may take a few days for the details to be updated, it is something you need to do shortly after moving. 

  1. Change the locks

Since you do not know how many people had the keys to the new home, you need to change the locks once you move in. Therefore, contact a locksmith and have the locks changed. 

  1. Register your kids to the new school

If you have just moved to a new place with school-age children, then you need to set some time to look for a new school. Your children need to continue with their education. 

It would help if you searched for a good school that is reputable so that your children can get the best. So, if you have not chosen a school before moving, you need to do it as soon as you move. 

  1. Help your pets adapt to the new home

If you have moved with your pets, you need to make sure your dog or cat is feeling okay after the unexpected change of their home. You need to understand that pets have feelings too. 

The first thing you need to do is to clean their new place. You do not want them to smell an unusual scent. Also, be there most of the time. You can play with, engage them, and care for them. 

In addition, give them enough time to adapt to the new home. Keep a close look at them or seek professional advice if you notice they are not behaving normally. 

  1. Make new friends

Moving into a new home can be a challenge to most people. This is because everyone who meets is a stranger. Therefore, you need to make new friends. You do not want to feel separated or depressed in the new home. 

Even if you leave your good friends behind, it does not mean you cannot make new friends. Hence, one thing you need to do is to make new friends. Be open to your neighbors and colleagues. 

  1. Get familiar with the new place

The next important thing you need to do after moving is to know the new place. For instance, you need to know where you can find some of the essential places in the neighborhood. 

You need to know the leading supermarkets, medical centers, banks, post offices, car services, and government institutions. By getting familiar with the place, you will feel comfortable when moving around. 

Moreover, get familiar with the city landmarks, understand the local culture, and learn the history of the place. With enough information about the place, you will know where to turn when you need help. 


If you have just moved to a new place, there are many things you need to do. Some are urgent, while others are not. But keep in mind that you need to handle most of them to ensure everything goes well. 

If you have not moved yet, the best way to have a smooth moving process is to engage a professional moving company. Hiring a company such as NYC movers will ensure your items are well moved and you have enough time to handle other essential tasks.