Juan Sánchez Goes Global With New Album ‘Rebirth’

Juan Sanchez is a multi-talented composer, pianist and music producer from Barcelona, Spain who is rejuvenated with a brand new release titled ‘Rebirth’. This new album contains nine, carefully-constructed compositions that includes elements of: Neo-Classical, Ambient and New Age piano music. The beauty here is that each single on ‘Rebirth’ was recorded at a different music studio on a different piano, so it’s impossible to suggest that any of the songs sound the same. Add in various musicians backing Juan Sanchez on the tracks and you have yourself one authentic record.

The album starts up with the featured title track, “Rebirth”, that offers a wonderful texture and its personal touch leaves a lasting impression on the listener. Next up is “Beto” that is so refined and provides stellar strings that appeals to your senses. Track three, “Heading to Dreamland”, has an extremely delicate sound that will have you daydreaming and thinking of a happy place like “Happy Gilmore”. Prepare to enter a stress-free zone on “Peaceful Places” that contains a glowing melody and calming effect. Track five, “Beautiful Rose (Solo Piano)”, is just that with its fresh ‘n’ vibrant, audible aroma. This song is just full of life where the piano truly is the star of the show. Moving along, we have “All of Us” where it seems to be all coming together nicely and then on “Arctic Solitude” one will hear a rich, vast sound like no other. “Beautiful Rose (Piano & Strings)” lives on and this time is in full bloom with a piano and string section. This song is on full display for all to appreciate with a very dramatic ending and it’s safe to say that this “Beautiful Rose” will never die. Juan Sanchez gives a mighty, strong finish with “Silent Tears” where a pouring out of emotion comes rushing your way.

Audio Listening Link: https://open.spotify.com/album/30yb5UJBjPLd4y3VQpmTp4

‘Rebirth’ gives you smart, sophisticated recordings but Juan Sanchez has a way of connecting with people on a higher level. Through the music, this Barcelona artist is able to tap into the human spirit and relate with many people out there. The songs are tranquil and will put you in a restful state allowing a person to ease their mind, body and soul. ‘Rebirth’ is soothing to say the least and I personally can’t wait to check out more material from this dynamic composer/pianist. Juan Sanchez has arrived!


By Jimmy Rae (https://twitter.com/2JRae)