Oleg Viktorovich Belay: the Path to Success of the Head of TRINFICO Investment Group

Many researchers believe that one of the key qualities innate to successful entrepreneurs is their talent for efficient risk management. After all, every long-lasting company is bound to go through more than one crisis throughout its history. Oleg Belay is a businessman who has experienced this firsthand. The now-CEO of TRINFICO Investment Group has been with his company from the day of its founding and witnessed it becoming one of the industry leaders. Before that, however, the company had to overcome many serious challenges.

According to researchers, it was the entrepreneur’s risk management skills that allowed him and his partners to build a business that could withstand any external pressure. The investment group even survived the period when, due to many large-scale financial crises, many of its competitors were forced to shut down their operations.

The past challenges make this success story particularly interesting. Oleg Belay’s biography includes several difficult stages when the entrepreneur’s complex and rational decisions were crucial to the survival of the company. The businessman always knew how to set priorities and stayed focused even under enormous pressure. It was these factors, perhaps, that helped him reach the pinnacle of business success.

Who Is Oleg Belay? Biography of the Businessman

The future businessman grew up in a well-educated family. However, neither his parents nor his other relatives had any entrepreneurial experience. So, there was no one in his life to inspire and lead him in terms of business success. However, he was lucky to get a quality education and develop important entrepreneurial skills at a fairly young age.

Early Years

Belay Oleg Viktorovich grew up in Moscow, in a family of programmers. In one of his interviews, the entrepreneur admitted that a lot of his values were instilled in him in childhood — his parents helped him develop many of the qualities necessary to succeed as a businessman. They helped him become a determined person, capable of taking on responsibility and making rational, consistent decisions.

Interestingly, his parents did not intentionally raise Oleg to be a successful entrepreneur. They were never involved in any type of business, and none of Oleg’s close relatives had such experience either. He attended a regular school with no special educational programs. However, he never had any complaints about the quality of his education.

Growing up, the future businessman was a sociable, adaptable, and enthusiastic kid. He was a good student; and while he had a special interest in the exact sciences, he also enjoyed studying the humanities. Oleg was a good communicator and socialized a lot with his peers and older kids.


After weighing up many college options, Oleg settled on the Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology. What determined his choice was not so much a desire to continue family traditions (his parents had graduated from MIET years earlier), as a pursuit of a high-quality education.

Oleg Belay did not experience any study problems at his university. Eventually, he passed the final exams and defended his thesis. He received a degree in engineering physics. For some time, the young man considered devoting his life to science. However, his priorities soon changed.

Interest in Entrepreneurship

The period when Oleg Belay studied at MIET coincided with the collapse of the Soviet Union. Post-Soviet Russia began to transition to a completely different economic model, establishing a free market system in the country. During that period, thousands of young people became interested in entrepreneurship. Their young age gave them some advantages. For example, recent university graduates were willing to take the risks that came with starting any type of business in a country that was experiencing a wave of economic crises.

Even as a student, Oleg Belay participated in several start-ups launched by his acquaintances. In doing so, he managed to acquire important business experience. Later, together with his partner, he opened a news agency. It produced materials on financial topics and was quickly noticed by leading trade magazines. However, although the agency had enormous potential, its creators soon switched their attention to investing. Having discovered an even more promising field, they decided to shut down their media business.

Role in the History of TRINFICO

The investment group was created when the businessman was only 21 years old. Oleg Belay’s TRINFICO became the most important project in his career — he devoted a lot of time and effort to its development. The businessman was there from the very beginning; he observed the company’s progress over the years and eventually took over as CEO. He remains the head of the company to this day.

Creating an Investment Company

TRINFICO was founded in 1993. It began its history as an ordinary brokerage firm in Moscow; the company conducted transactions using securities that had just been introduced to the Russian market. It was quickly evolving despite many challenges.

The latter were associated with multiple factors that influenced the market as a whole, such as:

  • the lack of extensive regulatory framework: companies had to quickly adapt to changes caused by legislative reforms;

  • insufficient industry regulation: most of the regulatory agencies that exist today had yet to be created;

  • a highly competitive market: apart from local players, there were also many foreign companies with extensive experience;

  • a lack of understanding of securities markets by the overwhelming majority of the population;

  • multiple cases of fraud that unfairly cast a shadow on law-abiding and ethical companies.

The conditions in which TRINFICO began its operation could hardly be called favorable for any business owner. However, pragmatic decision-making and a focus on systematic growth helped the company quickly build a good reputation, become recognizable in the market, and attract multiple major clients. Over time, it managed to significantly expand its service offerings.

Inception and Growth

Just a few years after its founding, TRINFICO transformed into an investment group with a client base that included many large Russian companies; the group brought their shares to the markets and provided them with asset management solutions.

The company was quickly evolving. Before long, it began managing the assets of non-governmental pension funds. TRINFICO’s productive performance in this area opened up greater opportunities for attracting new clients. For example, it soon began to collaborate with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

By 1998, TRINFICO had established itself as one of the leaders in its segment. At the same time, it remained independent from outside influence. Impressively, the company maintains the status quo even today, after more than 30 years in the market.

Overcoming Crises

The development and evolution of TRINFICO did not go without a hitch. But it easily survived numerous crises. However, like all other market players, it was not spared by the crisis of 1998. Back then, the company suffered financial losses and had to noticeably decrease the volume of operations. However, there was no talk of suspending its activities, much less liquidating the business.

Oleg Belay says that the company’s executives gained valuable experience thanks to those dramatic events. While the company had always paid great attention to asset protection, from that point forward, the latter became its absolute priority. TRINFICO quickly managed to go back to its usual volume of operations and even improved its performance over time.

Current Results

In 2013, TRINFICO went through a consolidation. Oleg Belay assumed the role of CEO of the investment group. It continued to evolve and became one of the leaders in the Russian market. All the while, the company remained independent from external capital.

In 2024, the NRA upgraded TRINFICO’s rating of reliability and quality of services to A+|ru.iv|. The outlook of the rating was evaluated as “Stable.” When making this decision, the experts considered the following factors:

  1. the long-term operation of the company (over 30 years in the market);

  2. the skills and experience of the investment team;

  3. the complex rules and approaches when managing risks;

  4. the improving revenue performance, profitability, and liquidity stress test results.

  5. the increasing number of clients.

At the same time, the company’s revenue concentration continues to shift from its main clients. Today TRINFICO works with institutional and private investors, providing a wide range of services — from classic asset management to crisis management.

The TRINFICO AMC confirmed its ESG rating in 2024. The company’s mutual funds are among the most successful on the Russian market. Today, the investment group continues to evolve, keeping its focus on asset safety and the quality of services.

Personal Life and Priorities

Oleg Belay is married and has two children and two grandchildren. The entrepreneur continues to oversee the fundamental processes at TRINFICO and works hard to ensure the growth of his company. At the same time, he tries to spend more time with family. Sometimes he even finds time for his hobbies, such as motorcycling, traveling, and trekking.

Attention to Green Policies

Entrepreneur Oleg Belay was the one to introduce ESG into the TRINFICO business strategy. He has been loyal to green policies for many years. His investment group continues to follow them even today, when, amid multiple crises, many of the largest market players put their green strategies on hold.

The businessman believes that ESG introduction is important for sustainable development. TRINFICO has proved its commitment to the health of the planet and society by investing in environmentally sound assets. For example, the TRINFICO AMC created an open-end fund called TRINFICO Ecofinance, which fully complies with the modern green standards.


Oleg Victorovich Belay is the mind behind the VMESTE SMOZHEM foundation. Later, he also became a member of its board of trustees. The organization is driven by many socially important goals, including the fight against poverty. It achieves them by providing grants to nonprofit organizations.

Dozens of NPOs have already received funding from the charitable foundation. Their number is constantly increasing as the foundation continues to raise more and more funds. An independent jury determines the winners of the grant competitions, and the organization regularly funds the most meaningful projects that share its values.

Oleg Belay believes that only systemic assistance can be truly productive. He does not support the idea of organizing charitable events solely for the sake of publicity. Those close to the entrepreneur say that he not only acts as a trustee of the VMESTE SMOZHEM foundation, but also personally donates to many charities. However, he prefers not to advertise his philanthropic activities.