Interview Tips for Those Applying for Their First Job Overseas

The term “labor migration” is easily heard in many parts of the whole world. It is considered as the movement of an able-bodied person for employment for a certain period. This phenomenon is spreading widely. According to the statistics, more than 6 million migrants are very satisfied with their jobs overseas. But why has work abroad become so popular around the world and what are the main reasons for the migration decision? If we look at the previous years, it is easy to see the big fall of the international economy. As noted in a study by the International Organization for Migration, households whose main source of income is remittances had a huge fault and were at risk from COVID-19 and related travel restrictions. People could not travel, work, or even visit a new country for only one day. There were no opportunities to prepare for the international meeting and labor exchanges. Many of the countries didn’t have additional income. So, now the reduction in remittances has significant spillover effects on the local economies and communities in general. That is leading to a reduction in productive investment, consumer spending, access to education and health services, opportunities for many people’s meetings, and the working migration. 

But, nowadays this awful disease is overcome and many citizens have packed their luggage to other landscapes in search of the greatest and the best variant of earning money. 

Looking at the development of migration it is very noticeable that most of the tourists have chosen the Orient countries for the new lifestyle. This is not unreasonable. The United Arab Emirates is a country with a great opportunity to find a new well-paid job and it has a lot of space to build a decent career and earn solid earnings. That is why more than 80% of the population in these countries are migrants. To look closely at this tendency, about 1,2 million foreign workers in Qatar, mainly from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal, make up 95 percent of the workforce. It is unbelievable, but there are almost five foreign workers for every Qatar citizen. Most of them are domestic employers and love skilled workers. But their payment is amazing for such work. It ranges from 5.168 USD to 18.000 USD per month. That is why they have made the right movement: clicked on the, prepared all the necessary documents (Visa, Work Permit Visa, medical documents, and a perfect resume) and started a new life. 

The first steps to employment abroad and the most important points for becoming a worker in an unfamiliar country. How to adapt to the new conditions

Qatar needs specialists in many occupations such as business, the energy sector, and the fields of medicine, education, IT, finance, and even the entertainment field. If you are a hard-working person, you’ll have a huge chance to find the perfect vacancy in the Layboard. Getting and repairing official papers isn’t the most difficult point in your new lifestyle. It is very important to become a part of a new culture and blend into the society. But what are the main steps in getting this? How not to be trapped? We have prepared some tips to make your move to another country much easier:

  • Find an employee, who has an experience with the working migrants

It is the perfect idea to find a company, which has experience in navigating the legal challenges surrounding the migration tendency. It will help you to find temporary accommodation without a very high price.

  • Pay attention to clothes

Folk wisdom still hasn’t lost its relevance – people meet by their clothes. You have to read about the cultural features in the style and rules of clothing – to prevent an awkward situation.

  • Get to know your colleagues

The manager will recommend you to the team but do not hesitate to be active: say hello and get to know the people around you, even if they are people from other departments and divisions of the company. Sometimes acquaintances at the coffee machine or in the corporate dining room become the beginning of productive cooperation and true friendship.

  • Feel free to ask

The more you learn on the first working day, the easier and faster the adaptation in the team will be. Ask colleagues about what interests you and remains unclear, and ask questions to management.

  • Bring out your best qualities

Remember your resume and everything that was discussed in the interview. You were chosen among other candidates for the position due to your skills and qualities, so show them: that professionalism and initiative will be appreciated. In addition, a serious approach to work will help you calm down and quickly get involved in the work process.

  • Emphasize your work motivation on the social networks

 Facebook isn’t only a source of entertainment, but also a great way to unobtrusively emphasize your motivation for a new job. Take a moment to update your professional information, and subscribe to the pages of the company and colleagues. 

This advice will help you to be ready for the new job. But, don’t forget about the main thing in it. It is your collective. 

The first day at the new job. How to adapt to a new team and find good friends among colleagues?

Psychologists claim that adaptation in a new team can last from several weeks to several months. Everything depends on the character of the person and the created conditions by the employer. How to make it easier? On the first work day, assume yourself that everything will work out for you and that you are ideally suited to the position you hold. For faster adaptation, create comfort around yourself. Make your workplace cozy. Don’t take the criticism too close to your heart. Because these critics will help you to avoid mistakes in the future and become a successful person.


The answer to the question of “Whether it is worth going to work abroad?” depends primarily on your preferences and individual situation. But you have to know that it will be the first step to an international career and a great adventure. And remember that the difficulties of adaptation are only a short period. At the end of it, you will find an exciting job and a friendly atmosphere.