My First Trip to Oklahoma City

I’ve lived in Oklahoma my whole life, but I never made it up to the capital city until this summer. When my parents said we were going on a weekend trip to Oklahoma City, I was so excited! I couldn’t wait to explore everything the big city has to offer. This was going to be the best vacation ever!

Arriving in the City

The drive up from our small town took a few hours, but it was worth it when we saw the Oklahoma City skyline come into view. I pressed my face against the car window taking in all the huge buildings and busy streets. This was nothing like my quiet little town!

We found our vacation rentals in Oklahoma City pretty easily since they were right downtown. I loved our cute little apartment we rented for the weekend. It felt so grown up to have our own place in the city, even if just for a couple days. We dropped our bags off then hit the streets, ready for adventure!

Exploring Bricktown

The first place we visited was Bricktown, which is known for its restaurants, shops and nightlife. There were so many people everywhere! We did some window shopping, tried some tasty food at a cafe, and then rode a water taxi down the Bricktown Canal. I loved seeing all the pretty brick buildings and bridges along the water. Riding the water taxi made me feel like I was in a big city like New York!

When it started to get dark, Bricktown really came to life. The streets were packed with people going to bars, clubs and live music venues. Even though I’m only 16, it was fun to people watch and soak up the energy. I can’t wait until I’m old enough to actually go to the fun places here! For now I’m happy just wandering around.

Exploring the Capitol

The next morning we drove over to see the State Capitol building. It was huge! We learned on the tour that it’s the only capitol in the United States with an operating oil well right on the grounds. We also got to go inside the dome and look out over the whole city from way up high.

After our tour we walked around the Memorial Park next to the Capitol. It was beautiful with its flowers, fountains and monuments honoring Oklahoma history. I loved exploring and reading all about the state I’ve lived in my whole life but never knew much about until this trip.

Seeing the City by River Cruise

To end our perfect city weekend, we took a river cruise down the Oklahoma River. We sailed under all the amazing bridges and got amazing views of the skyline. We even saw a couple whales! Well, whale tail sculptures sticking out of the water. My favorite part was when we went through the old Bricktown Canal since I recognized it from my first night.

I couldn’t believe our journey through the heart of Oklahoma City was coming to an end. These last two days flew by too fast, but I’m so glad I finally got to visit our amazing capital. I definitely want to come back soon to see more of the city!


I had the best time on my first trip to Oklahoma City! It was awesome getting to explore the busy downtown areas like Bricktown and see important landmarks like the Capitol. Cruising the river was the perfect way to end our vacation. I’m so glad my parents took me on this trip, even though I’m only 16. I learned so much about the biggest city in my home state and made memories I’ll cherish forever. I can’t wait until I’m old enough to experience the nightlife too! Oklahoma City definitely won’t be my last big city adventure.