Creating Custom Zendesk Automations

In the ever-evolving world of customer support, the ability to automate processes is a game-changer. One of the platforms leading this revolution is Zendesk, a customer service tool that not only simplifies support but also automates it. The jewel in its crown is the feature to create custom automations – an aspect we’ll be delving into today. 

Understanding Zendesk Automation

Before we dive into creating custom automations, let’s get familiar with what Zendesk automation truly entails. Automations in Zendesk are similar to triggers because both define conditions and actions that modify ticket properties. They can also optionally send email notifications to customers and the support staff. However, the distinguishing factor lies in their execution. Automations are carried out when a time event occurs after a ticket property was set or updated, rather than immediately after a ticket is created or updated. This ability to time specific actions provides an additional layer of customization and control in managing customer interactions.

The Components of Zendesk Automation

Creating a custom automation in Zendesk essentially involves two components – conditions and actions.

Conditions: These are specific circumstances that need to be met for an automation to trigger. For instance, if a ticket remains unsolved for more than 48 hours, that could be a condition.

Actions: These are the activities that are performed once the conditions are met. Continuing with our earlier example, an action could be sending an automatic reminder to the support team.

Steps to Creating a Custom Automation

Now that we’ve understood the basic components, let’s move to the steps involved in creating a custom automation in Zendesk.

  1. Accessing Automation Settings: Navigate to the “Admin” icon in Zendesk and select “Automations” under the “Business Rules” section.
  2. Creating a New Automation: Click on “Add Automation.” This will open up a new page where you can define your custom automation.
  3. Setting Up Conditions: Start by setting up conditions. These can be ‘all’ conditions (every condition must be met) or ‘any’ conditions (at least one condition must be met).
  4. Defining Actions: Once conditions are set, define the actions that should be carried out. This could be modifying ticket properties or sending email notifications to specific individuals or groups.
  5. Naming and Activating Automation: Finally, give your automation a title and activate it by clicking the “Create” button.

Testing and Reviewing Your Automation

Once your automation is set up, it is important to test and review it to ensure it functions as expected. Create test tickets that meet your defined conditions and verify if the desired actions are executed. It’s also crucial to periodically review your automations to ensure they continue to meet your evolving business needs.


By strategically implementing Creating Custom Zendesk Automations, you can effectively streamline your support processes, reduce response time, and enhance overall customer experience. With an understanding of the basics and the steps involved, creating these automations is a fairly straightforward task. So, gear up to leverage the power of automation and elevate your customer support game. Remember, an efficient support system is key to building stronger relationships with your customers and driving your business forward.