Rob Alexander’s “Get Over Yourself”

I felt a little overwhelmed by Rob Alexander’s “Get Over Yourself” when I listened to it for the first time. It comes on like gangbusters with its hyperdrive electronic riffing and Alexander’s singing flirts with histrionics. He has a declamatory vocal style and its theatrical edge won’t appeal to everyone. Listeners who relish songwriting emotions writ large, however, will appreciate the cinematic verve present in Alexander’s tone and phrasing. This lead-off single from his new album Young Man’s Eyes, due for release on June 5th of this year, highlights Alexander at his most passionate.

I feel he made an excellent decision opting to craft this single as a duet. Guest singer Gigi Worth is a seasoned veteran whose presence provides an effective counterweight to Alexander’s singing without cutting into his spotlight. The structure never places the two vocalists “side by side” in the song. Instead, Alexander manages the opening verses and chorus before ceding the song to Worth for the remaining vocals. It’s a testament to his utter lack of ego. Alexander wants to serve the song, above all else, and his decision proves to be the song’s crowning achievement.

There are other merits as well. The guitar’s presence throughout the song varies, but it’s an effective answer to the largely electronic character of the track. I find myself wishing that the guitar had a more natural sound than it does here, but the synthesized tone doesn’t sabotage the performance. Choosing to include a solo during the song’s second half is an excellent decision. It has the effect of sharpening the song’s emotional impact rather than sounding perfunctory. 

There are several thoughtful rhymes laden through the lyrics. Alexander’s intelligent writing is one of the hallmarks of every song he’s written thus far, and he deserves kudos for avoiding the standard pop song tropes. This is pop music for adults rather than simple-minded love song balladry or labored socially conscious reflections. The personal touch he brings to his material never sounds obscure; anyone over the age of thirty will relate to the life lessons and hope that fill this song.

I’m taken, as well, by its attitude. It’s an affirmative message without ever sugarcoating its sentiments. Alexander is meeting life on life’s terms rather than presenting us with a rose-colored vision of life and the world where we live. “Get Over Yourself” doesn’t badger or belittle us but, instead, pushes us to be our best selves and never undercuts the listener’s self-worth. We are special, but we’re above no one. All of us are in this together.

It gets his new album off to a fast start. Rob Alexander has certainly kept himself busy in recent years with four full-length releases in a six-year span. None of it is filler. He’s writing and performing vital and energetic songs that face the issues we carry every day of our lives. “Get Over Yourself” will rate for you as a cut above the customary and sticks with you long after the song ends.  

Gwen Waggoner