How Can Your eCommerce Brand Leverage TikTok?

Do you own an eCommerce business? Are you willing to enhance your store’s reach worldwide? Then you are at the right place. Here we have provided you with an excellent solution to get started. And that is none other than TikTok. It is one of the most influential social media platforms out there. Using TikTok, achieving your business goals quickly is very straightforward. Want to know more about what TikTok is and how to leverage it effectively for your eCommerce website? Then read further.

A few years before, if you had heard the word TikTok, what could have been the first thing that popped up in your head? If your answer is dancing and lip-synching videos, then you are absolutely right. But coming to this day, it has become a platform for more than entertainment. One of the driving factors of TikTok is its features and attractive options. Users from all over the world can explore it with no restrictions. Given its popularity, many businesses even started to buy tiktok likes to accomplish their objectives instantly and efficiently. So what is stopping you? If you are a brand owner, it is time to start your journey on TikTok.

TikTok Marketing – a Brief Introduction

Tiktok marketing is the process of using TikTok to market a product or service of your brand. With the intention of finding users, converting them into potential customers, boosting your sales, increasing revenue, etc. 

Its transformation from an entertainment app to a powerful marketing tool was mainly due to its user base. Can you guess how many active users this platform has? Though it is unbelievable, TikTok has over two billion active users worldwide. Henceforth making it the perfect platform for eCommerce brands to attain their goals.

Why Do You Need TikTok for Your eCommerce Business?

The need for having a social media presence is no longer an option but a necessity for brands. With that being said, TikTok is the right platform for your brand to outshine. Why? Because it is easy to achieve all your business goals and objectives on this platform. You can also opt for options like TikViral to efficiently enhance your growth on TikTok.

For example, let us assume you are just starting your eCommerce business. You want customers from all over the world to know about your brand. Which platform do you think is apt for marketing? A forum with 2 billion users or traditional marketing modes like newspapers, billboards, etc. If you could answer this question, you could have concluded that TikTok is suitable for your brand.

8 ways to Leverage TikTok For eCommerce Brands

There are plenty of features and options on TikTok. As an eCommerce brand owner leveraging every opportunity TikTok provides is an optimal solution. We have mentioned some of the best ways through which you can utilize to attain the maximum benefits from TikTok. Let us get started. Shall we?

  1. Initiate With Optimizing Your Username

Your TikTok profile is the first thing your customer sees after getting to know about your business. Therefore you need to upgrade it up to the mark. If you are wondering how? This is the first thing you have to concentrate primarily on. “Username.” Your username should be relevant and appropriate to your brand. Either it can be your store’s name or something related to it. 

  1. Set Profile Picture

A profile picture is something that appears in your profile above your username. For instance, people often identify a brand on TikTok with its profile picture. So make sure you add an apt image. For instance, you can add your company logo to mark your unique presence. 

  1. Concentrate On Bio Space

If you are an eCommerce website owner, bio is a great place to leverage. Because you can drive traffic from this platform to your website by adequately using bio. Bio is nothing but a small space that will be displayed below your username. You can add website links, affiliate links, contact information, catchy quotes, etc., in this space.

  1. Upgrade Your Account

It is time to enhance your account if you are still using your personal account to promote your eCommerce business. How? By upgrading it to a business account. By switching your profile from a private to a business account, you attain a lot of benefits. 

For example, a business account provides the necessary tools and insights that you need to find potential customers. Isn’t that amazing? So upgrade your account to track your marketing performance on TikTok. 

  1. Use Relevant Hashtags

Focus on hashtags if you want visibility to your TikTok eCommerce profile. Adding trending hashtags will increase your content visibility and discoverability. The most important thing is your hashtags should be relevant and appropriate.

  1. Invest In Paid Ads

TikTok Paid Ads are a great way to gain popularity and followers on TikTok. You can also choose to use TikViral to enhance your follower base instantly. TikTok paid ads are an efficient way to promote your business because you can immediately improve your reach. Also, marketers believe that investing in these ads is the best choice for brands. Why? Because using this, you can display your ads to a group of target audiences. The targeting is based on certain metrics and demographics like age, gender, locality, mobile type, etc. 

  1. Utilize TikTok Shopping Features

TikTok has become innovative in its eCommerce features. Which made it easy for users to shop from anywhere within the app. Also, you can conduct Livestream shopping events to connect with and engage with your customers in real time. 

Create a visual storefront on TikTok. Through this, users can have a real connection with your brand. Particularly without even having visited your physical store. Plus, Tiktok offers shopping tabs for business profiles, to which brands can add their product catalog. It is a heavenly option for eCommerce brand owners to utilize.

  1. Conduct Hashtag Challenges

TikTok provides numerous opportunities to promote a brand. One such way that you can utilize it to advertise your products is by conducting promotional campaigns. It includes campaigns like hashtag challenges, contests, giveaways, hot sales, paid ads, etc. 

Wrapping It Up

TikTok, for eCommerce sites, is a new player, yet its fascinating features made users go awestruck. As we mentioned earlier, TikTok is no longer an app for dancing and entertainment videos alone. Now it is a space for brands to showcase their products and create awareness about their brands. If you have still not established your presence on TikTok, now is the right time. We hope the above-listed tips will help you get started with your eCommerce business on TikTok.