Revolutionary technologies that are making in-person businesses available online

The business world has remained largely the same for nearly a century after the industrial revolution. The exponential rate of technological evolution, change and adaptation, especially in 2022, is so rapid that whether you are ready or not, you cannot help but be swept away by the tide of progress.

You may not think you’ve made it this far but, you’d be shocked to see the following:

  • Lack of centralized work communication to maximize efficiency regardless of location.
  • The relative absence of new formats for marketing companies like Instagram.
  • No internet or voice search for products or information.
  • No use of short video sharing for private and business purposes. 

Technology has transformed every aspect of how companies work, and never before in history has it changed so quickly.


Initially, in order to access our favorite games, we had to either go to a physical casino or a live casino gaming website on a PC or laptop. Nowadays, playing online games on a mobile device or cell phone has become much simpler. The benefits of being able to play while on the go have increased gameplay across the globe.

You are set to go as long as your phone has internet connectivity or you are using a Wi-Fi connection. Now, players may use their smartphones to access real money online slot machines and games. The reels can be started by just touching the screen. We can converse with other gamers online & possibly win some money in the process.

Digital Assistants

Assistants are various types of software that can carry out rule-based work processes & communicate with people through writing. Digital assistants are represented by technologies such as robotics process automation, chatbots, & voice assistants. These assistants are the new digital co-workers that will help future organizations meet their productivity and accessibility demands & support the transition from “doing the work” to activities that add value to workers.

Digital assistants are a great solution for businesses looking to improve availability, quality, and response times to customers & employees.

The Digital Workforce will be able to take over and automate many of today’s manual business processes. Today, most processes such as finance, reporting, customer service, & human resources are handled by employees who must compensate for incomplete IT systems. This means that a lot of valuable time that could have been spent solving more complex problems, is now being spent performing work tasks that could be done with a digital assistant.

AI Pricing Tools

In highly competitive markets, changing prices instantly to match those used by competitors can also have a significant impact on conversion rates and it helps you win profits. small.

Through the use of pricing tools, you can instantly gauge your prices against those of your competitors, as well as your inventory levels & shipping policies.

With this knowledge, it is possible to manually adjust sales figures, or more often, to configure a virtual store so that prices are adjusted to competitor movements. Such a strategy helps your e-commerce business stay competitive.


Automating physical tasks is a growing trend in many industries. This means that robots & physical machines are increasingly taking on tasks previously performed by human personnel. Currently, this development is most advanced in processes related to warehousing, logistics, & monitoring, but it is also moving into several other areas.

Physical automation of work processes improves process quality, availability & frees up human resources to work on other value-added tasks.

Tasks currently being performed by employees are performed only during agreed-upon business hours, and there is often considerable variation in quality. The physical robot can work around the clock without leave and deliver at a high & steady rate. As a result, companies across multiple industries are exploring how using robots can help improve quality and deliverability at a lower cost.

In Summary 

Technology is developing very quickly. We transitioned from offline to online and then we added mobile in just a few short years. Hopefully in a few more years we will be able to blend the digital world with our physical world to create a new kind of reality.