Have you considered your lingerie when making sustainable fashion choices?

Lingerie, including but not limited to bras, stockings, bodysuits, and corsets, will forever be a must-have for any woman’s closet. Not only do these understated garments provide women with much-needed support and comfort, but they also have the power to boost the wearer’s confidence and sensuality.

Sustainable Practices for Buying Lingerie

Here are some pointers for those who want to practice sustainable consumption but are wary of falling for misleading buzzwords.

  • Look for clothing made from organic materials. Compostable and readily biodegradable fabrics include those made from natural materials like silk, bamboo, hemp, linen, wool, and cotton. Greenhouse gas emissions from manufacturing natural fabrics are lower than those of synthetic fibers like polyester, which is derived from fossil fuels. Selecting organic versions of common textiles is another step you can take to lessen your impact on the environment.
  • To succeed, honesty must be prioritized. It can be difficult, if not impossible, to know if a brand lives up to its label when there is so little regulation surrounding clothing companies using the words “organic,” “chemical-free,” “natural,” “ethical,” or “sustainable” in advertising. For this reason, patrons should prioritize finding eco-friendly products that are also honest.
  • Try to find factories that use closed-loop production. In closed-loop production, manufacturers keep all scrap from product development in-house, clean it up, and put it to good use. This prevents hazardous materials from being dumped into the ground or water supply.
  • Natural coloring with plants: Direct contact printing techniques are used in eco-dyeing and printing, which extracts color from plants to create unique and sometimes unexpected patterns on textiles. Examples of such materials are cotton, linen, silk, and wool. Aronia berries (providing a blue/purple pigment), Alder leaves (creating orange/brown prints), wild indigo (providing fluorescent yellow marks), bloodroot (displaying intense orange/red colors), and a great many more plants are commonly used in botanical dying.

Sustainable Vs  Ethical

There is a tendency to group sustainability, worker rights, and animal rights. It’s easy to overlook that a product’s claim to “cruelty-free” or “fair trade” status does not imply that it is environmentally friendly.

Vegan brands often make sustainable fashion, but not all vegan products are eco-friendly. Vegan leather, for instance, is frequently crafted from petroleum-based synthetics that release toxic chemicals during production and breakdown. The plastic used to create most types of faux fur also isn’t biodegradable.

Companies that care about the environment also tend to care about their employees’ rights, but this isn’t always the case. Fast fashion sweatshops are among the worst human rights violators, but companies like H&M and the Gap have sustainability initiatives that greatly aid the environment.

Before making a purchase, research to ensure the brand you’re considering is both environmentally friendly and morally sound.

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